#define SDESERVER "myserver" #define SDEINSTANCE "myinstance" #define SDEDATABASE "mydatabase" #define SDEUSER "myuser" #define SDEPASSWORD "mypassword" #define FILENAME "france" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "sdetype.h" #include "sderaster.h" #include "raster_source.h" void main (void) { SE_RASTERATTR raster_attrib; SE_CONNECTION connection; SE_ERROR error; SE_STREAM stream; LONG row_id, rc, pixel_type, mosaic_mode, interpolation, compression; BSQMETADATA bsqmetadata; CHAR table[SE_MAX_TABLE_LEN], *filename, **columns, *server, *instance, *database, *username, *password; SHORT num_columns, raster_ind = SE_IS_NOT_NULL_VALUE; CLIENT_DATA client_data; /* Set the ArcSDE server connection info. */ server = SDESERVER; instance = SDEINSTANCE; database = SDEDATABASE; username = SDEUSER; password = SDEPASSWORD; /* Connect to the ArcSDE server. */ rc = SE_connection_create (server,instance,database,username,password,&error,&connection); check_error (rc,connection,NULL,"SE_connection_create"); /* Initialize the data stream. */ rc = SE_stream_create (connection,&stream); check_error (rc, connection, NULL, "SE_stream_create"); /* Configure the stream to update a row of the raster datasets business table */ /* A mosiac is a type of update. Raster updates also include a complete replacement, */ /* and a delete of a pixel region */ num_columns = 1; columns = (CHAR **) malloc (num_columns * sizeof(CHAR *)); columns[0] = "raster"; strcpy(table,"myrastertable"); row_id = 1; rc = SE_stream_update_row (stream, (const CHAR *) table, &row_id, num_columns, (const CHAR**)columns); check_error (rc, NULL, stream, "SE_stream_update_row"); /* Fetch the BSQ metadata for the image to be mosaicked */ filename = FILENAME; rc = readbsqmetadata (filename, &bsqmetadata); check_error (rc, NULL, NULL, "readbsqmetadata"); /* Set the pixel depth to 8 bit unsigned */ pixel_type = SE_PIXEL_TYPE_8BIT_U; /* Set the mosaic mode to none, a full replacement is performed. */ mosaic_mode = SE_MOSAIC_MODE_NONE; /* Set the pyramid interpolation to bilinear resampling */ interpolation = SE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR; /* Set the storage compression to LZ77 lossless */ compression = SE_COMPRESSION_LZ77; /* Setup the raster attribute structure */ prepare_raster_attribute ( connection, &raster_attrib, &client_data, pixel_type, bsqmetadata, interpolation, compression, mosaic_mode); /* Bind the RASTER column */ rc = SE_stream_bind_input_column (stream,1,(void *) raster_attrib,&raster_ind); check_error (rc, NULL, stream, "SE_stream_bind_input_column"); /* Prepare the client data */ prepare_client_data ( &client_data, pixel_type, bsqmetadata.pixelwidth, filename); /* Execute the mosaic. */ rc = SE_stream_execute (stream); check_error (rc, NULL, stream, "SE_stream_execute"); /*********/ /* cleanup */ /*********/ free(client_data.buffer); free(client_data.bitmaskbuffer); SE_rasterattr_free (raster_attrib); rc = SE_stream_free (stream); check_error (rc, NULL, stream, "SE_stream_free"); SE_connection_free (connection); return; }