/****************************************************************/ /* */ /* readbsqmetadata - Read the BSQ metadata from the header */ /* and world file. */ /* */ /* filename <CHAR*> - The BSQ filename. */ /* bsqmetadata <BSQMETADATA> - Structure to hold */ /* BSQ metadata. */ /* */ /****************************************************************/ LONG readbsqmetadata(CHAR *filename, BSQMETADATA *bsqmetadata) { FILE *fd; SHORT i; LFLOAT lvalue[6]; CHAR line[256], value[128], keyword[128], *headerfilename, *worldfilename; /* create the BSQ header filename */ headerfilename = (CHAR *) malloc(sizeof(CHAR) * (strlen(filename) + 5)); sprintf(headerfilename,"%s.hdr",filename); /* open the BSQ header file */ fd = fopen(headerfilename, "rt"); if (fd == NULL) { printf("error opening BSQ header file \n"); return(SE_FAILURE); } free(headerfilename); /* Set the pointer to the beginning of the file */ fseek( fd, 0L, SEEK_SET ); /* Read the contents of the BSQ header file into the */ /* appropriate bsqmetadata parameters */ while(fgets (line,80,fd)!=NULL) { sscanf (line,"%s%s",keyword,value); if (STRCASECMP(keyword,"BYTEORDER")==0) bsqmetadata->byteorder = value[0]; else if(STRCASECMP(keyword,"NROWS")==0) sscanf(value,"%d",&bsqmetadata->pixelheight); else if(STRCASECMP(keyword,"NCOLS")==0) sscanf(value,"%d",&bsqmetadata->pixelwidth); else if(STRCASECMP(keyword,"NBANDS")==0) sscanf(value,"%d",&bsqmetadata->numbands); else if(STRCASECMP(keyword,"BANDROWBYTES")==0) sscanf(value,"%d",&bsqmetadata->bandrowbytes); else if(STRCASECMP(keyword,"COLORMAP")==0) sscanf(value,"%d",&bsqmetadata->colormapentries); else if(STRCASECMP(keyword,"MASK")==0) sscanf(value,"%d",&bsqmetadata->mask); else if(STRCASECMP(keyword,"PIXELTYPE")==0) sscanf(value,"%d",&bsqmetadata->pixelwidth); } /* close the header file */ fclose(fd); /* create the BSQ world filename */ worldfilename = (CHAR *) malloc(sizeof(CHAR) * (strlen(filename) + 5)); sprintf(worldfilename,"%s.bqw",filename); /* open the BSQ world file */ fd = fopen(worldfilename, "rt"); if (fd == NULL) { printf("error opening BSQ world file \n"); return(SE_FAILURE); } /* Set the pointer to the beginning of the file */ fseek( fd, 0L, SEEK_SET ); /* Read the parameters of the world file into the bsqmetadata structure */ /* BSQ worldfile has a standard format. */ for(i=0;i<6;i++) { if (fgets(line,80,fd) == NULL) { printf ("Error: Invalid world file %s!\n",worldfilename); printf ("Line: %d is blank.\n",i+1); printf ("Valid world files contain 6 lines of real numbers.\n"); return(SE_FAILURE); } if (sscanf(line,"%lf",&lvalue[i]) != 1) { printf ("Error: Invalid world file %s!\n",worldfilename); printf ("The value at ine %d is not a real number\n",i+1); printf ("Value read was %s.\n",value[i]); return(SE_FAILURE); } } if (fgets(line,80,fd) != NULL) { printf("Error: Invalid world file %s!\n", worldfilename); printf("World file contains more then 6 lines of data.\n"); return(SE_FAILURE); } /* close the BSQ worldfile */ free(worldfilename); fclose(fd); bsqmetadata->xcellsize = lvalue[0]; bsqmetadata->ycellsize = lvalue[3]; bsqmetadata->xmin = lvalue[4]; bsqmetadata->ymax = lvalue[5]; bsqmetadata->xmax = bsqmetadata->xmin + bsqmetadata->xcellsize * (LFLOAT) (bsqmetadata->pixelwidth-1); bsqmetadata->ymin = bsqmetadata->ymax + bsqmetadata->ycellsize * (LFLOAT) (bsqmetadata->pixelheight-1); return(SE_SUCCESS); } /* readbsqmetadata */