/*                                                             */
/* prepare_client_data - Prepare the client_data structure.    */
/*                       The client_data structure             */
/*                       communicates pixel data between the   */
/*                       SE_stream_execute function and your   */
/*                       callback function.                    */  
/*                                                             */
/*              arguments:                                     */  
/*                                                             */
/*              client_data <CLIENT_DATA*> - Pointer to the    */
/*                                           client data       */
/*                                           structure.        */
/*              pixel_type <LONG> - The pixel bit depth.       */
/*              pixelwidth <LONG> - The width of the image     */
/*                                  specified in pixels.       */
/*              filename <CHAR*> - The name of the BSQ file.   */
/*                                                             */

void prepare_client_data ( CLIENT_DATA *client_data, 
			   LONG pixel_type,
			   LONG pixelwidth,
			   CHAR *filename)

	LONG bits_per_pixel, bufferbytes, bitmaskbytes;
	CHAR *bsqfilename;

	/* Set the number of bits each pixel will contain. In this case 8. */

	bits_per_pixel = SE_PIXEL_TYPE_GET_DEPTH (pixel_type);

	/* Number of bytes per scanline. In this case 256 bytes. */

	bufferbytes = (pixelwidth * bits_per_pixel + 7) / 8;

	/* Number of bytes in the bitmask */

	bitmaskbytes = (pixelwidth + 7) / 8;

	/* Populate the CLIENT_DATA structure. This structure is passed between */
	/* the SE_stream_execute function and the raster attribute callback function. */

	/* Allocate the data buffer */
	client_data->buffer = (CHAR *) calloc (bufferbytes, sizeof(CHAR));

	/*  Set the data buffer length. In this case the data buffer length is set to a */
        /*  single scanline, but since the raster being loaded is 8-bit, the length could */
        /*  have been set to a multiple of the scanline, even the entire image provided */
        /*  the memory resources are available. */

	client_data->length = bufferbytes;

	/* Allocate the nodata bitmap buffer */

	client_data->bitmaskbuffer = (CHAR *) calloc (bitmaskbytes, sizeof(CHAR));

	/* Set the bitmaskbuffer length */

	client_data->bitmasklength = bitmaskbytes;

	/*  Set the file descriptor on the BSQ image file opened for read-only access, from which */
        /*  the pixel values will be read in band sequential order. The file will be read by the */
        /*  call back function which will be called iteratively by SE_stream_execute, until the */
        /*  image file is exhausted. SE_stream_execute will insert the pixels of the image into */
        /*  the SDE_BLK_<N> table. */

	/* create the BSQ filename */

	bsqfilename = (CHAR *) malloc (sizeof(CHAR) * (strlen(filename) + 5));

	client_data->fd = fopen (bsqfilename, "rb");

	/* Release the bsqfilename */



} /* prepare_client_data */