LONG ret, band, number_of_bands; SE_BIN_FUNCTION_TYPE bin_function_type; SE_RASBANDINFO *rasbandinfo; CHAR bandname[24]; SE_STREAM stream; CHAR **columns, name_value[] = "ESRI_SDERASTERDATASET"; SHORT name_ind = SE_IS_NOT_NULL_VALUE, raster_ind = SE_IS_NOT_NULL_VALUE, num_columns = 1; SE_RASTERATTR raster_attrib, raster_attrib2; SE_QUERYINFO queryinfo; CHAR **tables, whereclause[32], raster_column[] = "RASTER"; /* Initialize SE_RASTERATTR structure */ ret = SE_rasterattr_create(&raster_attrib,FALSE); check_error (NULL, NULL, ret, "SE_rasterattr_create"); ret = SE_stream_create(connection,&stream); check_error (connection, NULL, ret, "SE_stream_create"); /* Create the queryinfo structure */ ret = SE_queryinfo_create (&queryinfo); check_error (connection, NULL, ret, "SE_stream_create"); /* Add the raster table to the query info structure */ tables = (CHAR **)malloc(sizeof(CHAR*)); tables[0] = malloc((strlen(table) +1) * sizeof(CHAR)); strcpy(tables[0],table); ret = SE_queryinfo_set_tables(queryinfo, 1, (const CHAR **)tables,NULL); check_error (connection, NULL, ret, "SE_queryinfo_set_table"); free(tables); /* Add the raster table's columns to the query info structure */ columns = (CHAR **)malloc(sizeof(CHAR*)); columns[0] = malloc((strlen(raster_column) +1) * sizeof(CHAR)); strcpy(columns[0],raster_column); ret = SE_queryinfo_set_columns (queryinfo, 1, (const CHAR **)columns); check_error (connection, NULL, ret, "SE_queryinfo_set_columns"); sprintf(whereclause,"objectid = %d",row_id); ret = SE_queryinfo_set_where_clause(queryinfo,whereclause); check_error (NULL, NULL, ret, "SE_queryinfo_set_where_clause"); /* Add the queryinfo structure to the stream */ ret = SE_stream_query_with_info (stream, queryinfo); check_error (NULL, stream, ret, "SE_stream_query_with_info"); /* Free the queryinfo. */ SE_queryinfo_free(queryinfo); /* Bind the output of the stream the raster column */ ret = SE_stream_bind_output_column (stream, 1, raster_attrib, &raster_ind); check_error (NULL, stream, ret, "SE_stream_bind_output_column"); /* Execute the query */ ret = SE_stream_execute (stream); check_error (NULL, stream, ret, "SE_stream_execute"); while (SE_SUCCESS == ret) { /* Fetch each record of the business table */ ret = SE_stream_fetch (stream); if (SE_FINISHED != ret) { check_error (NULL, stream, ret, "SE_stream_fetch"); if(raster_ind==SE_IS_NOT_NULL_VALUE) { ret = SE_rasterattr_get_rasterband_info_list ( raster_attrib, &rasbandinfo, &number_of_bands); check_error (NULL, NULL, ret, "SE_rasterattr_get_rasterband_info_list"); } } } SE_queryinfo_free(queryinfo); for(band=0; band<number_of_bands; band++) { bin_function_type = SE_BIN_FUNCTION_AUTO; /* Set the bin function to automatic complete with bin table */ ret = SE_rasbandinfo_set_bin_function (rasbandinfo[band], bin_function_type, 0, NULL); check_error (NULL, NULL, ret, "SE_rasbandinfo_set_bin_function"); } } /* Bind the raster attribute column */ ret = SE_rasterattr_create (&raster_attrib2,TRUE); check_error (connection, stream, ret, "SE_rasterattr_create"); ret = SE_rasterattr_set_rasterband_info_list(raster_attrib2, rasbandinfo, number_of_bands); check_error (connection, stream, ret, "SE_rasterattr_set_rasterband_info_list"); SE_rasterattr_free(raster_attrib); ret = SE_stream_close(stream,FALSE); check_error (NULL, NULL, ret, "SE_stream_free"); /* Set the stream update */ ret = SE_stream_update_row (stream, table, &row_id, num_columns, (const CHAR **)columns); check_error (NULL, stream, ret, "SE_stream_update_row"); /* Bind the RASTER column */ ret = SE_stream_bind_input_column(stream,1,(void *) raster_attrib2, &raster_ind); check_error (NULL, stream, ret, "SE_stream_bind_input_column"); ret = SE_stream_execute(stream); check_error (NULL, stream, ret, "SE_stream_execute"); /********/ /* Done */ /********/ SE_rasterattr_free(raster_attrib2); SE_stream_free(stream); free(columns);