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Concepts > Versioning > SQL Access using Multi-Version Views
Creating Multiversioned Views

Multiversioned views may be created in two ways: using the sdetable administration command, or through the ArcSDE C- or Java API.
Using the sdetable administration utility, a mutliversioned view named countries can be created on a table named stcntry94 in an Oracle database as follows:

sdetable -o create_mv_view -T countries -t stcntry94 -i sde_ora -s clysdale -u world -p world

Developers can use the C-API or Java API to create mutliversioned views.

The ArcSDE C-API provides the following function calls to enable and check the status of multiversioned views:

C API Java API Description

SE_table_create_mv_view ()

SE_table_delete_mv_view ()

SE_reginfo_get_mv_view_name ()




Creates a multiversioned view on a versioned table

Deletes the multiversioned view associated with a versioned table

Returns the name of the multiversioned view associated with this table registration

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