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Concepts > Rasters > Raster API Entities
Raster Column

A raster column in ArcSDE is a column in the business table that contains a reference to associated raster data.

When inserting a raster to a database, ArcSDE adds a record to the Raster_Column system table that is maintained in the sde user's schema. This Raster_Column table contains the name of the business table as one of its fields (see schema) and stores an integer ID in the business table that is actually a foreign key to the Raster table.

Creating a raster column

Step 1. Create a table

Step 2. Instantiate SeRasterColumn object and set its attributes as follows:

LONG rc, ras_col_id; //rc = return_code
SE_RASCOLINFO rascol_info;
SE_CONNECTION connection;

rc = SE_rascolinfo_create (&rascol_info);

rc = SE_rascolinfo_set_minimum_id (rascol_info, 10);

rc = SE_rascolinfo_set_creation_keyword (rascol_info,

rc = SE_rascolinfo_set_raster_column (rascol_info, table,

rc = SE_rascolinfo_set_coordref (rascol_info, coordref);

rc = SE_rascolinfo_set_description (rascol_info, "NONE");

/* Create Raster Column */
rc = SE_rastercolumn_create (connection, rascol_info);
SeConnection conn = ......;
String tableName = .......
String rasterColumnName = "Raster";
SeRasterColumn rasterLayer = new SeRasterColumn(conn);
rasterLayer.setDescription("Raster Column Layer Description");
rasterLayer.setMinID(new SeObjectId(1));

//Define the layer's Coordinate Reference (optional)
SeCoordinateReference coordref = new SeCoordinateReference ();
coordref.setXY (0,0,100);
rasterLayer.setCoordRef (coordref);


// Now, get the latest layer info.
rasCol = new SeRasterColumn(conn, tableName, "RASTER");
//In second case, raster column attributes should be set after instantiating the object.

Deleting a raster column

LONG rc, ras_col_id; //rc = return_code
SE_RASCOLINFO rascol_info;

rc = SE_rastercolumn_delete(connection, table_name, raster_column);
rc = SE_rascolinfo_free(rascol_info);
SeRasterColumn rasterLayer = ......;


//Deleting Table
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