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Concepts > Rasters > Database Schema
Raster table

The raster table, created as SDE_RAS_<raster_column_id> in the database, stores a record for each image stored in a raster column. The raster_column_id is assigned by ArcSDE whenever a raster column is created in the database. A record for each raster column in the database is stored in the ArcSDE RASTER_COLUMNS system table, maintained in the sde user's schema.

The Raster table contains two columns: the primary key and a description column. The primary key is once again a foreign key to the RasterBand table that contains all the information about raster bands in the raster.


Name Data Null? Description
raster_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The primary key of the raster table and unique sequential identifier of each image stored in the raster table
raster_flags SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL A bit map set according to the characteristics of the stored image
description SE_STRING_TYPE(65) NULL A text description of the image


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