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Concepts > Rasters > Database Schema
Raster block table
Created as SDE_BLK_<rastercolumn_id>, the raster block table stores the pixels of each raster band. ArcSDE evenly tiles the bands into blocks of pixels according to a user-defined dimension. Tiling the raster band data enables efficient storage and retrieval of the raster data. The raster blocks can be configured so that the records of the raster block table fit within the data block, avoiding the adverse effects of data block chaining. The rasterband_id column of the raster block table is a foreign key reference to the raster band table's primary key. A composite unique key is formed by combining the rasterband_id, rrd_factor, row_nbr, and col_nbr columns.

ArcSDE populates the raster block table according to a declining resolution pyramid. The height of the pyramid is determined by the number of levels specified by application.


Name Data Null? Description
rasterband_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The foreign key reference to the raster band table's primary key
rrd_factor SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The reduced resolution dataset factor, determines the position of the raster band block within the resolution pyramid

The resolution pyramid begins at 0 for the highest resolution and increases until the raster bands lowest resolution level has been reached

row_nbr SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The block's row number
col_nbr SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The block's column number
block_data SE_BLOB_TYPE NOT NULL The block's tile of pixel data
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