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Concepts > Rasters > Database Schema
Raster band table

Each image referenced in a raster may be subdivided into one or more raster bands. The raster band table, created as SDE_BND_<rastercolumn_id>, stores the raster bands of each image stored in the raster table. The raster_id column of the raster band table is a foreign key reference to the raster table's raster_id primary key. The rasterband_id column is the raster band table's primary key. Each raster band in the table is uniquely identified by the sequential rasterband_id.


Name Data Null? Description
rasterband_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The primary key of the raster band table that uniquely identifies each raster band
sequence_nbr SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL An optional sequential number that can be combined with the raster_id as a composite key as a second way to uniquely identify the raster band
raster_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The foreign key reference to the raster table's primary key. Uniquely identifies the raster band when combined with the sequence_nbr as a composite key
name SE_STRING_TYPE(65) NULL The name of the raster band
band_flags SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL A bit map set according to the characteristics of the raster band
band_width SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The pixel width of the band
band_height SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The pixel height of the band
band_types SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL A bitmap band compression data
block_width SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The pixel width of the band's tiles
block_height SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The pixel height of the band's tiles
block_origin_x SE_FLOAT_TYPE NOT NULL The left-most pixel
block_origin_y SE_FLOAT_TYPE NOT NULL The bottom-most pixel
eminx (optional) SE_FLOAT_TYPE NOT NULL The band's minimum X coordinate
eminy (optional) SE_FLOAT_TYPE NOT NULL The band's minimum Y coordinate
emaxx (optional) SE_FLOAT_TYPE NOT NULL The band's maximum X coordinate
emaxy (optional) SE_FLOAT_TYPE NOT NULL The band's maximum Y coordinate
cdate (optional) SE_DATE_TYPE NOT NULL The creation date
mdate (optional) SE_DATE_TYPE NOT NULL The last modification date
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