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Concepts > Logfiles
Database Schema
Contains the log file metadata. This table is created in the schema of the user that caused the log files to be generated.

Name Data Null? Description
logfile_name SE_STRING_TYPE(64 in DB2, 256 in Oracle, 255 in all other DBMSs ) NOT NULL User-defined name for the log file
logfile_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL Uniquely identifies the log file
logfile_data_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL Identifies to which log file the row ID belongs
registration_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The registration ID of the business table for which IDs are being logged in this table
flags SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL A bitmask of values that indicate properties of the log file
session_tag SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL A unique identifier for a connecting session
logfile_data_db SE_STRING_TYPE(32) NULL The name of the database in which the table that's holding the IDs for this log file is stored
logfile_data_owner SE_STRING_TYPE(32) NULL The name of the owner  (equivalent to the schema name) of the table that's holding the IDs for this log file
logfile_data_table SE_STRING_TYPE(98 in Oracle, 246 in DB2, 32 in all other DBMSs) NULL The name of the table that is holding the IDs for this log file
column_name SE_STRING_TYPE(32) NULL The name of the column in the business table that is being logged; generally, this is the row ID or shapeID
The sde_logfile_data table contains the list of business table records that are part of each log. This table is created in the schema of the user that caused the log files to be generated.

Name Data Null? Description
logfile_data_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL Identifies to which log file the row ID belongs
sde_row_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The row ID or shape ID of the business table row being logged
Used only with session log files. Stores selection ID and OBJECTIDs of selection. Created per session, not for each user, but table is stored in the schema of the connecting user. This table is created in the schema of the user that caused the log files to be generated.

Name Data Null? Description
logfile_data_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL Identifies to which log file the row ID belongs
sde_row_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The row ID or shape ID of the business table row being logged
Used only with stand-alone log files. Stores OBJECTID of selection set. Contains a list of business table records that are part of a stand-alone log file.

Name Data Null? Description
sde_row_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL The row ID or shape ID of the business table row being logged
Tracks the session log file pool by maintaining a list of the log files currently checked out; this table is created at the time of geodatabase creation and is stored in the ArcSDE administrative user's schema.

Name Data Null? Description
table_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NOT NULL Identifies the log file pool table
sde_id SE_INTEGER_TYPE NULL Identifies which ArcSDE connecction is currently using the given log file pool table
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