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Log file configuration parameters

With the following log file configuration parameters, a database administrator (DBA) can configure an installation's use of session and stand-alone log files. The first four parameters are set in the SERVER_CONFIG (or SDE_server_config) table and determine what type of log file tables can be used in the geodatabase. The remaining parameters are set in the DBTUNE (or SDE_dbtune) table and specify storage information for log file tables and indexes.

  • MAXSTANDALONELOGS (default: 0)—This parameter controls the maximum number of stand-alone log files that are created by a gsrvr. Once this threshold is reached, log files will use either session log files or user log file architectures. Zero is a legal value, indicating that no stand-alone log files will be created.
  • ALLOWSESSIONLOGFILE (default: 1 in SQL Server, 0 in all other DBMSs)—This parameter specifies if a gsrvr can (1) or cannot (0) create a session-based log file. This is especially useful for systems in which users do not typically have CREATE TABLE permissions. Setting this parameter to 0 will save the gsrvr from having to try to create a table before switching to user log files.

    1 = gsrvr CAN create session log file
    0 = gsrvr CANNOT create session log file (uses stand-alone or user log files)

  • LOGFILEPOOLSIZE (default: 0)—The size of the session-based or stand-alone log file pool. By default, this parameter is set to 0, which represents the number of log files that will be created in the ArcSDE administrator's schema and shared among users. Users may check out a log file from the pool as opposed to creating their own. (This parameter supplanted SESSIONLOGPOOLSIZE beginning with ArcSDE 9.)
  • HOLDLOGPOOLTABLES (default: 1)—This parameter controls what a gsrvr does with a log file table it has obtained from the shared pool of tables. If set to 1, the gsrvr holds onto the table even when it is done with the table. The table is only released on disconnect. The advantage of this approach is that if the gsrvr is going to need the log file repeatedly as the user draws selection sets, ArcSDE will not have to go through the process of checking for available log files each time; there is essentially one reserved. If set to 0, a gsrvr releases the log file as soon as it is done with it. The advantage to this is that the shared pool of tables will not get locked down as often. For example, two gsrvrs that do relatively infrequent selections will be able to effectively share a single table through this use and release approach. The optimal setting for this parameter is dependent on how your users and applications use log files.

    1 = gsrvr holds table until disconnect
    0 = gsrvr releases table if no current selection

  • SESSION_TEMP_TABLE (default: 1 in SQL Server, 0 in other DBMSs)—This DBTUNE LOGFILE_DEFAULTS parameter specifies whether the session-based log file tables should be create as a temporary table in tempdb. Only valid for geodatabases in SQL Server.

  • SESSION_STORAGE (no default value)—This parameter allows you to specify where session-based log files are stored. For example, in Oracle, DB2, or PostgreSQL, you can specify in which tablespace session-based log file tables will be created.
  • SESSION_INDEX (default value varies by DBMS)—Storage for the indexes created on session-based log file tables can be controlled using this parameter. For instance, in SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Informix, a fillfactor can be specified for the index.

  • LD_STORAGE and LF_STORAGE (defaults vary by database)—These two parameters are used to specify the location and/or extent sizes of the SDE_LOGFILE_DATA and SDE_LOGFILES tables.
  • LF_INDEXES (default value varies by DBMS)—This parameter defines the storage for the SDE_LOGFILES table's indexes.

  • LD_INDEX_DATA_ID and LD_INDEX_ROWID (default value varies by DBMS)—These parameters specify the storage for indexes on the SDE_LOGFILE_DATA table.

  • LD_INDEX_ALL (PostgreSQL and SQL Server only)—This parameter defines the storage for the index on the primary keys on the SDE_LOGFILE_DATA and SDE_LOGPOOL tables.

  • LF_INDEX_ID (PostgreSQL and SQL Server only)—This parameter defines the storage for the index on the primary key on the SDE_LOGFILES table.

  • LF_INDEX_NAME (PostgreSQL and SQL Server only)—This parameter specifies the storage for the unique index on the SDE_LOGFILES table.

  • LF_CLUSTER_ID (SQL Server only)—Specifies the index type, clustered or not clustered, for the primary key on the SDE_LOGFILES table.

  • LF_CLUSTER_NAME (SQL Server only)—Specifies the index type, clustered or not clustered, for the unique index on the SDE_LOGFILES table.
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