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Concepts > Geometry > Geometry Storage
Binary geometry schema

The OpenGIS Specification for Simple Features in SQL defines a binary geometry schema as one of three schemas for managing spatial data. In the binary geometry schema, the coordinate values for the shape are stored in a binary object called a BLOB. The BLOB is managed in a separate geometry table. Access to the geometry from the business table is through a foreign key—the Geometry ID, or GID.

The relationship between the business table and the geometry table in the binary geometry schema:

The ArcSDE binary schema is the same geometry storage schema used in earlier ArcSDE releases. This schema implements the OpenGIS Binary schema, with additional functionality, and a compressed binary representation in place of the OpenGIS Well-Known Binary Representation for Geometry. The compressed binary representation provides support for geometry properties not defined by the OpenGIS specification, including: elevations, measures, annotation, and CAD data. Functions are available in the C, JAVA, and SQL type API to convert this compressed binary representation into OpenGIS Well-Known Binary and Well-Known Text representations of geometry.

The internal format of the ArcSDE binary is defined in ArcSDE compressed binary representation. The schema for the ArcSDE binary schema geometry table is as follows:

Name Data Null Description
fid INTEGER NOT NULL The ID of the geometry
numofpts INTEGER NOT NULL The number of coordinate values in the geometry
entity SMALLINT NOT NULL An accumulated mask of geometry and coordinate type flags.
eminx FLOAT(64) NOT NULL Minimum x ordinate value
eminy Minimum y ordinate value
emaxx Maximum x ordinate value
emaxy Maximum y ordinate value
eminz Minimum z ordinate value
(Initializes to NULL).
emaxz Maximum z ordinate value
(Initializes to NULL)
min_measure FLOAT(64) NOT NULL Minimum m ordinate value
(Initializes to NULL)
max_measure Maximum m ordinate value
(Initializes to NULL)
area FLOAT(64) NOT NULL Calculated area for the geometry
len FLOAT(64) NOT NULL Calculated length or perimeter for the geometry
points <BLOB DATATYPE> NOT NULL Geometry coordinate values

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