SeVersion |
SE_versioninfo_create |
Creates a version definition. |
SE_versioninfo_duplicate |
Copies a version definition. |
SE_versioninfo_free |
Releases memory allocated for an SE_VERSIONINFO structure. |
SE_versioninfo_get_access |
getAccess() |
Returns the access type for a version. |
SE_versioninfo_get_creation_time |
getCreationTime() |
Returns the creation time for a version. |
SE_versioninfo_get_description |
getDescription() |
Returns the version description. |
SE_versioninfo_get_id |
getId() |
Returns the ID of a version. |
SE_versioninfo_get_name |
getName() |
Returns the version name. |
SE_versioninfo_get_parent_id |
getParentId() |
Returns the parent ID of a version. |
getOwner() |
Returns the owner of the version. |
SE_versioninfo_get_parent_name |
getParentName() |
Returns the parent version name. |
SE_versioninfo_get_state_id |
getStateId() |
Returns the state ID of a version. |
SE_versioninfo_set_access |
setAccess() |
Returns the access type for a version. |
SE_versioninfo_set_description |
setDescription() |
Sets the version description. |
setId() |
Sets the ID of a version. |
SE_versioninfo_set_name |
setName() |
Sets the version name. |
setOwner() |
Sets the version owner name. |
SE_versioninfo_set_parent_name |
setParentName() |
Sets the parent version name. |
setParentId() |
Sets the parent ID of a version. |
SE_versioninfo_set_state_id |
Sets the current state by ID for a version. |
SE_version_alter |
alter() |
Alters a version`s characteristics. |
SE_version_change_state |
changeState() |
Changes the underlying state of a version. |
SE_version_create |
create() |
Creates a child version from an existing version |
SE_version_delete |
delete() |
Deletes a version. |
SE_version_free_info_list |
Releases memory allocated for a list of version structures. |
SE_version_free_lock |
freeLock() |
Releases the lock on a version. |
SE_version_free_locks |
Releases memory allocated for a list of version lock structures. |
SE_version_get_info |
getInfo() |
Returns version information. |
SE_version_get_info_by_id |
Retrieves information about a version by its ID. |
SE_version_get_info_list |
Retrieves an array of SE_VERSIONINFO structures for all accessible versions. |
SE_version_get_locks |
getLocks() |
Returns a list of current locks. |
SE_version_lock |
lock() |
Locks a version. |
SE_version_rename |
rename() |
Renames a version. |
SeVersion.SeVersionLock |
getLockMode() |
Returns the lock mode. |
getUserName() |
Returns the user name. |
SeStreamOp |
SE_stream_set_state |
setState() |
Sets state constraints for input and output stream operations. |
SeDelete |
SE_stream_restore_rows |
restoreRows() |
Restores a set of rows in a miltiversion table to the values they held at the creation of the currently set version. |
lineage_by_rowid |
restoreRowsFromLineageByRowId() |
Restores a set of rows in a miltiversion table to the values they held at the most recent state in the lineage of the current version. |
SeUpdate |
SE_stream_copy_state_rows |
copyStateRows() |
Copies rows from the differences state to the source state. The rowId is not changed. Both a source state and a differences state must be set using setState() |
SE_stream_restore_rows |
restoreRows() |
Restores a set of rows in a miltiversion table to the values they held at the creation of the currently set version. |
lineage_by_rowid |
restoreRowsFromLineageByRowId() |
Restores a set of rows in a miltiversion table to the values they held at the most recent state in the lineage of the current version. |