SeInsert |
SE_blob_free |
NA |
Frees a blob's
memory |
SE_clob_free |
NA |
Frees memory held
in a SE_CLOB_INFO structure. |
SE_nclob_free |
NA |
Frees memory held
in a SE_NCLOB_INFO structure |
SE_stream_close |
SeUpdate.close() |
Cancels the current
stream operation. |
SE_stream_create |
NA |
Creates a stream
between the client and server |
SE_stream_execute |
SeStreamOp.execute() |
Executes an
initialized stream |
SE_stream_flush_buffered_writes |
SeStreamOp.flushBufferedWrites() |
Forces any buffered
writes to post on the server |
SE_stream_free |
NA |
Deletes a stream |
SE_stream_bind_input_column |
NA |
Binds a column to
an input data location for inserting a row. |
SE_stream_set_blob |
SeRow.setBlob() |
Sets the value for
a blob column |
SE_stream_set_clob |
SeRow.setClob() |
Sets the value for
a clob column |
SE_stream_set_date |
SeRow.setTime() |
Sets the value for
a date column |
SE_stream_set_double |
SeRow.setDouble() |
Sets the value for
a double-precision column |
SE_stream_set_dynamic_bind |
SeDelete.fromTableWithDynamicBind() |
Binds parameter in
the WHERE clause |
SE_stream_set_float |
SeRow.setFloat() |
Sets the value for
a single-precision float column |
SE_stream_set_int64 |
NA |
Sets the value for
a 64-bit integer column |
SE_stream_set_integer |
SeRow.setInteger() |
Sets the value for
an integer column |
SE_stream_set_nclob |
SeRow.setNClob() |
Sets the value for
a Unicode CLOB column |
SE_stream_set_nstring |
SeRow.setNString() |
Sets the value for
a Unicode string column |
SE_stream_set_shape |
SeRow.setShape() |
Sets the value for
a shape column |
SE_stream_set_smallint |
SeRow.setShort() |
Sets the value for
a small integer column |
SE_stream_set_string |
SeRow.setString() |
Sets the value for
a string column |
SE_stream_set_uuid |
SeRow.setUuid() |
Sets the value for
a UUID column |
SE_stream_invoke_ssa |
NA |
Starts and
configures a server-side application |
SE_stream_set_ssa_filter |
SeStreamOp.setSSAFilter() |
Sets a server-side
application filter on a stream |
SE_stream_get_raster |
SeRow.getRaster() |
Gets raster column
from the current row. |
SE_stream_get_raster_tile |
SeRow.getRasterTile() |
Gets raster tile
from the row. |
SE_stream_last_inserted_raster_id |
SeInsert.lastInsertedRasterId() |
Retrieves the
raster ID in the row most recently inserted. |
SE_stream_query_raster_tile |
SeQuery.queryRasterTile() |
Initiates a query
on a raster tile. |
SE_stream_set_raster_constraint |
SeQuery.setRasterConstraint() |
Sets raster
constraints. |
SE_stream_describe_column |
SeStreamOp.describeColumn() |
Describes a
specified column for the given stream. |
SE_stream_get_connection |
NA |
Returns a stream's
connection handle. |
SE_stream_get_ext_error |
SeError.getExtError() |
Retrieves extended
error information. |
SE_stream_get_invalidshape_mode |
SeQuery.getInvalidShapeMode() |
fetch_invalidshape mode for the stream. |
SE_stream_in_progress |
NA |
Returns the status
of the specified stream. |
SE_stream_last_inserted_row_id |
NA |
Gets the row ID of
the last inserted data. |
SE_stream_num_result_columns |
NA |
Returns the number
of columns for the current operation of the specified
stream. |
SE_stream_set_invalidshape_mode |
SeQuery.setInvalidShapeMode() |
Turns "fetch_invalidshape"
mode on or off for a read stream. |
SE_stream_set_output_coordref |
NA |
Sets the output
coordinate reference of a stream operation. |
SE_stream_set_rowlocking |
SeStreamOp.setRowLocking() |
Sets the row
locking environment for a stream |
SE_stream_set_write_mode |
NA |
Enables buffered
inserts. |
SE_stream_calculate_layer_extent |
SeQuery.calculateLayerExtent() |
Returns the
envelope of a layer query. |
SE_stream_calculate_layer_statistics |
SeQuery.calculateLayerStatistics() |
Returns statistics
for a layer. |
SE_stream_calculate_table_statistics |
SeQuery.calculateTableStatistics() |
Returns statistics
for a table and column. |
SE_stream_insert_into_file |
NA |
Prepares to insert
a row into an external file. |
SE_stream_locate_single |
SeLocator.locateSingle() |
Locates single
address on a stream. |
SE_stream_locate_table |
Deprecated |
Locates (georeferences)
a table. |
SE_stream_copy_state_rows |
SeUpdate.copyStateRows() |
Copies rows from a
differences state to the source state. |
SE_stream_restore_rows |
SeUpdate.restoreRows(), SeDelete.restoreRows() |
Restores rows in a
multiversion table to its original state. |
lineage_by_rowid |
SeDelete.restoreRowsFromLineageByRowId() |
Restores a set of
rows. |
SE_stream_set_state |
SeStreamOp.setState() |
Sets state
constraints for a stream. |
SE_stream_set_row |
NA |
Updates a single
row based on the ID from the specified table. |
SE_stream_update_ordered |
NA |
Prepares to update
a set of rows. |
SE_stream_update_row |
SeUpdate.singleRow() |
Prepares to update
a row in a registered table. |
SE_stream_update_sdodim_table |
SeUpdate.toSdoDimTable() |
Updates the lower
and upper bounds of the SDODIM table |
SE_stream_update_table |
NA |
Prepares to update
rows in a table. |
SE_stream_bind_output_column |
NA |
Binds a column to
an output data location for fetching a row. |
SE_stream_get_blob |
SeRow.getBlob() |
Gets a Binary Large
Object (BLOB) column from the current row |
SE_stream_get_clob |
SeRow.getClob() |
Gets a clob column
from the row. |
SE_stream_get_date |
SeRow.getTime() |
Gets a date column
from the row |
SE_stream_get_double |
SeRow.getDouble() |
Gets a
double-precision column from the row. |
SE_stream_get_float |
SeRow.getFloat() |
Gets a
single-precision float column from the row. |
SE_stream_get_int64 |
NA |
Gets a 64-bit
integer column from the row |
SE_stream_get_integer |
SeRow.getInteger() |
Gets an integer
column from the row |
SE_stream_get_nclob |
SeRow.getNClob() |
Gets a Unicode CLOB
column from the row. |
SE_stream_get_nstring |
SeRow.getNString |
Gets a Unicode
string column from the row |
SE_stream_get_shape |
SeRow.getShape() |
Gets a shape column
from the row. |
SE_stream_get_smallint |
SeRow.getShort() |
Gets a small
integer column from the row |
SE_stream_get_string |
SeRow.getString() |
Gets a string
column from the current row |
SE_stream_get_uuid |
SeRow.getUuid() |
Gets a UUID column
from the row |
SE_stream_fetch |
SeSSA.fetch() |
Fetches the next
row on the specified stream. |
SE_stream_fetch_row |
SeQuery.fetchRow() |
Retrieves a single
row from a specific layer. |
SE_stream_delete_by_id_list |
SeDelete.byIdList() |
Deletes rows from a
table using a list of IDs. |
SE_stream_delete_from_table |
SeDelete.fromTable() |
Deletes rows from a
table using an SQL where clause |
SE_stream_delete_row |
NA |
Deletes the
specified row from a spatially enabled table based on the
layer and feature identifiers. |
SE_stream_delete_table |
NA |
Prepares to delete
rows from table using a where clause. |
SE_stream_insert_table |
NA |
Identifies columns
to populate when inserting data into a DBMS table. |
SE_sql_construct_alloc |
NA |
Allocates an
SE_SQL_CONSTRUCT structure. |
SE_sql_construct_free |
NA |
Frees an
SE_SQL_CONSTRUCT structure. |
SE_stream_prepare_sql |
SeQuery.prepareSql() |
Prepares an SQL
statement for execution. |
SE_stream_query |
NA |
Initiates a layer
query. |
SE_stream_query_from_file |
NA |
Initiates a query
on an external file. |
SE_stream_query_rowid_by_uuid |
SeQuery.prepareQueryRowIdByUuid() |
Gets a list of
ArcSDE row ID values corresponding to a list of UUIDs. |
SE_stream_query_with_info |
NA |
Initiates a query
using an SE_QUERYINFO structure. |
SE_stream_get_spatial_masks |
NA |
Returns the spatial
filter masks for the current row |
SE_stream_set_spatial_constraints |
SeQuery.setSpatialConstraints() |
Sets spatial
constraints. |
SE_stream_query_logfile |
SeQuery.prepareQueryLogfile() |
Initiates a query
on a logfile. |
SE_stream_set_logfile |
NA |
Sets the
destination of stream operations to a logfile. |
SeQueryInfo |
SE_queryinfo_create |
NA |
Creates an
SE_QUERYINFO object. |
SE_queryinfo_duplicate |
NA |
Duplicates an
SE_QUERYINFO structure. |
SE_queryinfo_free |
NA |
Frees an
SE_QUERYINFO object. |
SE_queryinfo_free_columns |
NA |
Frees a string
array. |
SE_queryinfo_free_tables |
NA |
Frees tables. |
SE_queryinfo_get_by_clause |
getByClause() |
Retrieves the order
by clause for a query. |
SE_queryinfo_get_columns |
getColumns() |
Retrieves the
columns for a query. |
SE_queryinfo_get_entity_type |
getEntityType() |
Retrieves the
entity type. |
SE_queryinfo_get_logfile |
getLogfile() |
Retrieves the
logfile for a query. |
SE_queryinfo_get_query_type |
getQueryType() |
Retrieves the query
type. |
SE_queryinfo_get_tables |
NA |
Retrieves the
tables for a query. |
SE_queryinfo_get_where_clause |
NA |
Retrieves the where
clause for a query. |
SE_queryinfo_set_by_clause |
setByClause() |
Sets the order by
clause for a query. |
SE_queryinfo_set_columns |
setColumns() |
Sets the columns
for a query |
SE_queryinfo_set_entity_type |
setEntityType() |
Sets the entity
type. |
SE_queryinfo_set_logfile |
setLogfile() |
Sets the logfile
for a query. |
SE_queryinfo_set_query_type |
setQueryType() |
Sets the query
type. |
SE_queryinfo_set_tables |
NA |
Sets the tables for
a query. |
SE_queryinfo_set_xml_doc_property |
setXmlDocProperty() |
Sets the XML
document property constraint in an SE_QUERYINFO structure. |
SE_queryinfo_set_where_clause |
NA |
Sets the where
clause for a query. |
SE_queryinfo_set_xpath_constraint |
setXpathConstraint() |
Sets the XPath
expression in a queryinfo structure. |