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Geometry API Comparison |
C | Java | Description |
SeShape | ||
SE_shape_create() | SeShape() | Creates a Nil Shape or a Nil shape with the specified coordinate reference. |
SE_shape_as_binary() | asBinary() | Returns ESRI binary shape representation. |
SE_shape_add_island() | addIsland() | Adds and island ring (donut hole) to an area shape. |
SE_shape_add_part() | addPart() | Adds a new part to the shape. |
SE_shape_as_line() | asLine() | Returns a shape of type line, using a shape of any type. |
SE_shape_as_point() | asPoint() | Returns a shape of type point, using a shape of any type. |
SE_shape_as_polygon() | asPolygon() | Returns a shape of type polygon, using a shape of any type. |
SE_shape_as_simple_line() | asSimpleLine() | Returns a shape of simple line type, using a shape of any type. |
SE_shape_change_coordref() | changeCoordRef() | Projects a shape to a new coordinate system |
SE_shape_as_text() | asText() | Returns a textual representation of a shape object. |
SE_shape_as_WKB() | asWKB() | Returns WKB representation of this shape object. |
SE_shape_build() | build() | Assembles a linestring or area shape from the calling shape, which must be a (spagetti) line shape. |
SE_shape_calculate_distance() | calculateDistance() | Returns the closest distance between two shapes. |
SE_shape_clip() | clip() | Returns the intersection (logical AND of space) of the shape and a supplied rectangular envelope. |
SE_shape_change_coordref() | changeCoordRef() | Projects a shape to a new coordinate system. |
SE_shape_change_path() | changePath() | Replaces a path in the source shape with a new path |
SE_shape_delete_island() | deleteIsland() | Deletes the island ring that contains the specified point from the source shape. |
SE_shape_delete_part() | deletePart() | Deletes the specified part of a multipart shape. |
SE_shape_delete_path() | deletePath() | Deletes a path from the calling shape. |
SE_shape_delete_point() | deletePoint() | Deletes all occurrences of the specified point in the shape. |
SE_shape_difference() | difference() | The difference function returns the portion of this shape that is not intersected by the secondary shape. |
SE_shape_duplicate() | clone() | Copies a source shape to a target shape |
SE_shape_extend_line() | extendLine() | Extends a linear shape by adding a specified string of points to the beginning or end of the shape. |
SE_shape_evaluate_CBM() | NA | Checks a relationship expression against a SE_CBM_INFO structure. |
SE_shape_find_along() | findAlong() | Returns the points or lines along a shape as defined by the shape's measures and the supplied measured value. |
SE_shape_find_between() | findBetween() | Returns the points or lines along a shape as defined by the shape's measures between the given from- and to- values. |
SE_shape_find_CBM_relation() | NA | Returns a SE_CBM_INFO structure defining all the relationships between the supplied shapes. |
SE_shape_find_relation() | findRelation() | Returns a mask defining all the relationships between the calling shape and the supplied shape. |
SE_shape_filter_coordinates() | filterCoordinates() | Applies a Douglas_Poiker line generalization to a shape. |
SE_shape_free() | NA | Frees the memory allocated for a shape object. |
SE_shape_free_array() | NA | Frees the memory allocated for an array. |
SE_shape_generate_buffer() | generateBuffer() | Generates a buffer around the source shape, and returns the resulting new shape. |
SE_shape_generate_circle() | NA | Generates a polygon shape in the form of a circle based on the supplied center, radius, and number of points. |
SE_shape_generate_convex_hull() | generateConvexHull() | Computes the convex hull polygon for a shape's points. |
SE_shape_generate_ellipse() | generateEllipse() | Generates an area shape that approximates an ellipse. |
SE_shape_generate_from_binary() | generateFromBinary() | Creates a shape from its ESRI binary representation. |
SE_shape_generate_from_part() | generateFromPart() | Generates a new shape from the specified part number of a multi-part shape. |
SE_shape_generate_from_text() | generateFromText() | Returns a shape object from its textual representation. |
SE_shape_generate_from_WKB() | generateFromWKB() | Constructs shape from WKB representation. |
SE_shape_generate_label_point() | generateLabelPoint() | Generates a label point for a shape. |
SE_shape_generate_line() | generateLine() | Generates a line shape from an array of points. |
SE_shape_generate_point() | generatePoint() | Generates a point shape from an array of points. |
SE_shape_generate_polygon() | generatePolygon() | Turns this shape into a polygon shape from an array of points. |
SE_shape_generate_rectangle() | generateRectangle() | Generates a polygon shape in the form of a rectangle, based on the supplied lower-left and upper-right points. |
SE_shape_generate_simple_line() | generateSimpleLine() | Generates a simple line shape from an array of points. |
getAllCoords() | Returns the world coordinates as an array of parts/subparts/coordinates. | |
SE_shape_get_3D_length() | get3DLength() | Returns the three-dimensional length of a shape. |
SE_shape_get_all_points() | getAllPoints() | Retrieves all the points as well as part offsets and subpart offsets of the |
getAnno() | Returns the shape's annotation. | |
SE_shape_get_area() | getArea() | Returns the area of a shape. |
SE_shape_get_binary_size() | getBinarySize() | Returns the size of a ESRI binary representation. |
getCad() | Returns the shape's cad. | |
SE_shape_get_coordref() | getCoordRef() | Returns the coordinate reference of a shape. |
SE_shape_get_extent() | getExtent() | Returns the extent of a shape. |
getFeatureId() | Returns the shape's unique id. | |
SE_shape_get_length() | getLength() | Returns the length of a shape. |
getMaxMValue() | Returns the maximum measure value. | |
getMaxZValue() | Returns the maximum z coordinate value. | |
getMinMValue() | Returns the minimum measure value | |
getMinZValue() | Returns the minimum z coordinate value. | |
SE_shape_get_Mrange() | getMRange() | Returns the range of measure values of a shape part. |
getNumOfPoints() | Returns the number of points of the shape. | |
SE_shape_get_num_parts() | getNumParts() | Returns the number of parts in a shape. |
SE_shape_get_num_points() | getNumPoints() | Returns the number of points in a shape or a shape part. |
SE_shape_get_num_subparts() | getNumSubParts() | Returns the number of subparts of a part in a multi-part shape. |
SE_shape_get_points() | getPoints() | Returns the point array of the specified part, and the subpart offsets, if there are any. |
SE_shape_get_text_size() | getTextSize() | Returns the maximum size for the text. |
SE_shape_get_type() | getType() | Returns the type of a shape. |
SE_shape_get_WKB_size() | getWKBSize() | Returns the size of WKB representation. |
SE_shape_get_Zrange() | getZRange() | Returns the range of elevation values of a shape. |
SE_shape_insert_part() | insertPart() | Inserts all of the parts of a given shape into the calling shape at the specified part index. |
SE_shape_is_3D() | is3D() | Returns TRUE if the supplied shape has an elevation array. |
SE_shape_is_line() | isLine() | Returns TRUE if the supplied shape is type line. |
SE_shape_is_measured() | isMeasured() | Returns TRUE if the supplied shape has a measure array. |
SE_shape_is_multipart() | isMultiPart() | Returns TRUE if the supplied shape has multiple parts. |
SE_shape_is_nil() | isNil() | Returns TRUE if the supplied shape is nil(empty). |
SE_shape_is_overlapping() | isOverlapping() | Returns TRUE if the intersection of two shapes results in an object of the same geometric dimension. |
SE_shape_is_point() | isPoint() | Returns TRUE if the supplied shape is type point. |
SE_shape_is_polygon() | isPolygon() | Returns TRUE if the supplied shape is type polygon. |
SE_shape_is_simple_line() | isSimpleLine() | Returns TRUE if the supplied shape is type simple line. |
SE_shape_is_containing() | isContaining() | Returns TRUE if the primary shape wholly contains the secondary shape. |
SE_shape_is_crossing() | isCrossing() | Returns TRUE if the intersection of the interiors is a lower dimension than the maximum dimension of the two shapes. |
SE_shape_is_disjoint() | isDisjoint() | Returns TRUE if the intersection of two shapes is empty. |
SE_shape_is_equal() | sEqual() | Returns TRUE if the two supplied shapes are identical. |
SE_shape_is_touching() | isTouching() | Returns TRUE if the two supplied shapes share a common boundary. |
SE_shape_is_within() | isWithin() | Returns TRUE if this shape is wholly contained within secondaryShape. |
SE_shape_intersect() | intersect() | Returns the intersection (logical AND NOT of space) of two shapes. |
SE_shape_interpolate_by_measures() | interpolateByMeasures() | Interpolates the shape by adding points based on measure deltas. |
SE_shape_make_nil() | makeNil() | Makes this shape a nil shape. |
SE_shape_move_point() | movePoint() | Moves all occurrences of a single point to a new location. |
SE_shape_overlay() | overlay() | Overlays two shapes. |
SE_shape_replace_part() | replacePart() | Replaces a shape part with another shape. |
SE_shape_replace_path_with_arc() | replacePathWithArc() | Replaces a line or path with a circular arc represented as a series of |
SE_shape_set_anno | setAnno() | Sets the annotation of a shape. |
NA | setCad() | Sets the shape's cad. |
SE_shape_set_coordref() | setCoordRef() | Sets the coordinate reference of the shape. |
SE_shape_symmetrical_difference() | symmetricalDifference() | Returns the symmetrical difference (logical XOR of space) of two shapes. |
NA | toGeneralPath() | Returns a shape as a Java path object for Java graphics. |
NA | toSeGeometry() | Convert this shape into an SeGeometry object. |
SE_shape_union() | union() | Returns the union (logical OR of space) of two shapes |
C | Java | Description |
SeShapeAnno | ||
SE_anno_create | NA | Creates an SE_ANNO object |
SE_anno_duplicate | duplicate() | Creates a copy of annotation object. |
SE_anno_free | NA | Releases memory allocated for an SE_ANNO structure |
SE_anno_get_alignment | getAlignment() | Returns the alignment of a specific annotation. |
SE_anno_get_justification | getJustification() | Returns the annotation justification. |
SE_anno_get_leader | getLeader() | Returns the annotation leader shape. |
SE_anno_get_level | getLevel() | Returns the annotation level. |
SE_anno_get_offset | getXOffset(), getYOffset() |
Returns the annotation x and y offset. |
SE_anno_get_placement | getPlacement() | Returns the annotation placement shape. |
SE_anno_get_symbol | getSymbol() | Returns the annotation symbol. |
SE_anno_get_text | getText() | Returns the annotation text. |
SE_anno_get_text_size | getHeight() getGapRatio() |
Retrieves the height and gap ratio for an annotation |
SE_anno_set_alignment | setAlignment() | Sets the alignment type forannotation. |
SE_anno_set_justification | setJustification() | Sets the annotation justification. |
SE_anno_set_leader | setLeader() | Sets the annotation leader shape. |
SE_anno_set_level | setLevel() | Sets the annotation level. |
SE_anno_set_offset | setXOffset(), setYOffset() |
Sets the annotation x and y offset. |
SE_anno_set_placement | setPlacement() | Sets the annotation placement shape. |
SE_anno_set_symbol | setSymbol() | Sets the annotation symbol. |
SE_anno_set_text | setText() | Sets the annotation text. |
SE_anno_set_text_size | setHeight(), setGapRatio() |
Sets the text height and gap ratio for an annotation |
C | Java | Description |
SeCoordinateReference | ||
SE_coordref_create() | constructor | Creates a coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_duplicate() | duplicate() | Makes a copy of a coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_free() | NA | Frees an allocated coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_get_coordsys() | NA | Returns a pointer to the coordinate system of the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_get_description() | getCoordSysDescription() | Returns the coordinate system description for the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_get_id() | getSrid() | Returns the coordinate system code for the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_get_m() | getFalseM(), getMUnits() |
Returns the m false origin and scale factor of the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_get_m_range() | getMaxMValue(), getMinMValue() |
Returns the minimum and maximum measure values of the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_get_xy() | getFalseX(), getFalseY(), getXYUnits() |
Returns the x,y false origin and scale factor of the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_get_xy_envelope() | getXYEnvelope() | Returns xy extent of the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_get_z() | getFalseZ(), getZUnits() |
Returns the z false origin and scale factor of the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_get_z_range | getMinZRange(), getMaxZRange() |
Returns the minimum and maximum z-values of the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_set_by_description | setCoordSysByDescription() | Sets the coordinate system for the supplied coordinate reference object by a text string. |
SE_coordref_set_by_id | NA | Sets the coordinate system for the supplied coordinate reference object by an EPSG/GeoTIFF ID. |
SE_coordref_set_coordsys | NA | Sets the coordinate system for the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_set_m | setM() | Sets the measure false origin and scale factor for the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_set_m_by_range | setMByRange() | Calculates and sets the measure false origin and scale factor of a coordinate reference object from the given range. |
SE_coordref_set_xy | setXY() | Sets the x,y false origin and scale factor for the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_set_xy_by_envelope | setXYByEnvelope() | Calculates and sets the x,y false origin and scale factor of a coordinate reference object from the given envelope. |
SE_coordref_set_z | setZ() | Sets the z false origin and scale factor for the supplied coordinate reference object. |
SE_coordref_set_z_by_range | setZByRange() | Calculates and sets the z false origin and scale factor of a coordinate reference object from the given range. |
SeSpatialReference | ||
SE_spatialref_alter() |
alter() |
Changes a spatial reference entry. |
SE_spatialref_create() | create() | Creates a spatial reference entry. |
SE_spatialref_delete() | delete() | Deletes a spatial reference entry. |
SE_spatialref_free_info_list() | NA | Frees a pointer to a list of spatial reference objects. |
SE_spatialref_get_info() | constructor 2 | Returns a spatial reference entry. |
SE_spatialref_get_info_list() | SeConnection.getList(class), SeConnection.getSpatialRef | Returns a pointer to a list of spatial reference entries. |
SE_spatialrefinfo_create() | constructors | Creates a spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_duplicate() | clone() | Makes a copy of a spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_free() | NA | Frees an allocated spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_get_auth_name() | getAuthName() | Returns the authority name for the supplied spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_get_auth_srid() | getAuthId() | Returns the authority ID for the supplied spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_get_coordref() | getCoordRef() | Returns a pointer to the coordinate reference of the supplied spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_get_description() | getDescription() | Returns the description for the supplied spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_get_srid() | getSrId() | Returns the ID for the supplied spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_set_auth_name() | setAuthName() | Sets the authority name for a spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_set_auth_srid() | setAuthId() | Sets the authority ID for a spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_set_coordref() | setCoordRef() | Sets the coordinate reference for a spatial reference object. |
SE_ spatialrefinfo_set_description() | setDescription() | Sets the description for a spatial reference object. |
SeTransform | ||
SE_transforminfo_create | NA | Initializes a coordinate transformation object. |
SE_transforminfo_duplicate | NA | Duplicates a coordinate transformation object. |
SE_transforminfo_free | NA | Releases memory allocated to a coordinate transformation object. |
SE_transforminfo_get_name | getName() | Fetches the descriptive name of the coordinate transformation object. |
SE_transforminfo_get_type | getType() |
Fetches the coordinate transformation type from the coordinate transformation object. |
SE_transforminfo_set_name | setName() | Sets the descriptive name of the coordinate transformation object. |
SeTransformCustom | ||
SE_transforminfo_get_custom | getCustomData(), getCustomType() |
Gets Custom data and type |
SE_transforminfo_set_custom | setCustomData() | Sets custom transform data. |
SeTransformPolynomial | ||
SE_transforminfo_get_polynomial | getPolynomial() | Gets Polynomial coefficients. |
NA | getPolynomialType() | Gets Polynomial type. |
SE_transforminfo_set_polynomial | NA | Sets the polynomial transformation from the coordinate transformation object. |
SeTransformProjected | ||
SE_transforminfo_get_coordsys | getCoordSys() | Fetches the coordinate reference system from the coordinate transformation object. |
SE_transforminfo_get_geogtran | getGeogTran() | Sets the geographic transformation from the coordinate transformation object. |
SE_transforminfo_set_coordsys | setCoordSys() | Sets the coordinate reference system from the coordinate transformation object. |
SE_transforminfo_set_geogtran | setGeogTran() | Sets the geographic transformation from the coordinate transformation object. |
C | Java | Description |
PeCoordinateSystem | ||
pe_coordsys_clone | clone() | Clones a coordinate system |
pe_coordsys_del | ||
pe_coordsys_eq | isEqual() | Tests if two coordinate systems are identical. |
pe_coordsys_from_string | fromString() | Retrieves the external representation of this coordinate system. |
pe_coordsys_p | ||
pe_coordsys_to_string | toString() | Retrieves the external representation of this coordinate system. |
pe_coordsys_from_prjfile | fromPrjFile() | Creates a CS object from an ARC/INFO workstation PRJ file. |
pe_coordsys_from_prjstring | fromPrjString() | Creates a CS object from an ARC/INFO workstation PRJ. |
pe_coordsys_to_prjfile | toPrjFile() | Creates an ARC/INFO workstation PRJ file from a CS. |
pe_coordsys_to_prjstring | toPrjString() | Creates an ARC/INFO workstation PRJ string from a CS. |
PeDatum | ||
pe_datum_clone | clone() | Clone a datum. |
pe_datum_del | delete() | Deletes a datum object. |
pe_datum_eq | isEqual() | Test if two datums are identical. |
pe_datum_from_string | fromString() | Construct datum object from string. |
pe_datum_name | getName() | Retrieve a datum's name. |
pe_datum_new | ||
pe_datum_p | ||
pe_datum_spheroid | getSpheroid() | Retrieve a datum's spheroid. |
pe_datum_to_string | toString() | Retrieve a datum's external representation. |
NA | getStatus() | Retrieve a datum's status. |
PeGeographicCS | ||
pe_geogcs_clone | clone() | Clone a gcs. |
pe_geogcs_datum | getDatum() | Retrieve a GCS's datum. |
pe_geogcs_del | delete() | Deletes a GCS object. |
pe_geogcs_eq | isEqual(PeCoordinateSystem coordsys) | Test if two coordinate systems are identical. |
pe_geogcs_from_string | fromString() | Create a gcs from string. |
pe_geogcs_name | getName() | Retrieve a GCS's name. |
pe_geogcs_new | ||
pe_geogcs_p | ||
pe_geogcs_primem | getPrimeM() | Retrieve a GCS's prime meridian. |
pe_geogcs_to_string | toString() | Retrieve a GCS's external representation. |
pe_geogcs_unit | getUnit() | Retrieve a GCS's unit (angular). |
NA | getStatus() | Retrieve a datum's status. |
PeGeogTransformations | ||
pe_geogtran_clone | java.lang.Object clone() | Clone a GT. |
pe_geogtran_del | void delete() | Delete a parameter object. |
pe_geogtran_eq | isEqual() | Test if two GT's are identical. |
pe_geogtran_from_string | fromString() | Construct a GT object from an external representation. |
pe_geogtran_geogcs1 | getGeogCS1() | Retrieve a GT's 1st Geographic Coordinate System. |
pe_geogtran_geogcs2 | getGeogCS2() | Retrieve a GT's 2nd Geographic Coordinate System. |
pe_geogtran_isconstloaded | isConstLoaded() | Checks if constants for a GT are loaded. |
pe_geogtran_method | getMethod() | Retrieve a GT's method. |
pe_geogtran_load_constants | loadConstants() | Load constants for a GT. |
pe_geogtran_name | getName() | Retrieve a GT's name. |
pe_geogtran_new | NA | |
pe_geogtran_p | NA | |
pe_geogtran_parameters | getParams() | Retrieve a GT's parameters into an array. |
pe_geogtran_to_string | toString() | Retrieve the external representation of a GT. |
pe_geogtran_unload_constants | unloadConstants() | Unload constants for a GT. |
getStatus() | Get the this object's status. | |
setStatus() | Set this object's status. | |
PeMath | ||
pe_auth_r | auth_r() | Returns the authalic radius of a spheroid |
pe_beta_to_phi | beta_to_phi() | Calculates a geographic latitude from an authalic latitude. |
pe_cart_to_curv | cart_to_curv() | Transformation from cartesian to curvilinear coordinates. |
pe_chi_to_phi | chi_to_phi() | Calculates a geographic latitude from a conformal latitude. |
pe_curv_to_cart | curv_to_cart() | Transformation from curvilinear to cartesian coordinates. |
pe_delta | delta() | Adjusts a longitude to between +/-PI. |
pe_eq | eq() | Returns true if two floating point numbers are approximately equal. |
pe_eta_to_phi | eta_to_phi() | Calculates a geographic latitude from a parametric (reduced) latitude. |
pe_geodesic_coordinate | geodesic_coordinate() | Find destination geodetic coordinate given origin coordinate, geodesic distance, and azimuth. |
pe_geodesic_distance | geodesic_distance() | Find geodesic distance and azimuth given two geodetic coordinates. |
pe_m | m() | Returns the meridional radius of curvature. |
pe_mu_to_phi | mu_to_phi() | Calculates a geographic latitude from a rectifying latitude. |
pe_n | n() | Calculates the transverse radius of curvature at a point. |
pe_phi_to_beta | phi_to_beta() | |
pe_phi_to_chi | phi_to_chi() | Calculates a conformal latitude from a geographic latitude. |
pe_phi_to_eta | phi_to_eta() |
Parametric (reduced) latitude. |
pe_phi_to_mu | phi_to_mu() | Calculates a rectifying latitude from a geographic latitude. |
NA | phi_to_phig() | |
NA | phig_to_phi() | |
pe_q | q() | Calculates the meridional arc distance from the equator |
pe_q90 | q90() | Calculates the meridional arc distance from the equator to a pole. |
pe_w | w() | Calculates an intermediate geodetic quantity, the square root of the quantity 1.0 minus the square of the eccentricity times the square of the sine of the latitude. |
PeParameters | ||
pe_parameter_clone | clone() | Clone a parameter object |
pe_parameter_del | delete() | Delete a parameter object. |
pe_parameter_eq | isEqual() | Test if two parameters are identical. |
pe_parameter_from_string | fromString() | Construct parameter object from string. |
pe_parameter_index | getIndex() | Retrieve a parameter's index. |
pe_parameter_method_defaults | setMethodDefaults() | Create default parameters in array parameters for a method object. |
pe_parameter_name | getName() | Retrieve a parameter's name. |
pe_parameter_name_set | setName() | Set a parameter's name. |
pe_parameter_new | NA | |
pe_parameter_p | NA | |
pe_parameter_projection_defaults | setProjectionDefaults() | Create default parameters in array parameters for a projection object. |
NA | getStatus() | Get this object's status. |
NA | setStatus() | Sets this object's status |
pr_parameter_to_string | toString() | Retrieve the parameter's external representation. |
pe_parameter_value | getValue() | Retrieve a parameter's value. |
pe_parameter_value_set | setValue() | Set a parameter's value. |
PeFactory | ||
pe_factory | factory(int[] n) | Creates an array of predefined PeObject objects. |
pe_factory_code | getCode() | Retrieves an object's factory code. |
pe_factory_datum | datum() | Creates a PeDatum object code from a predefined datum string. |
pe_factory_geogcs | geogcs() | Creates a PeGeographicCS object code from a predefined GeographicCS string. |
pe_factory_geogtran | ||
pe_factory_method | method() | Creates a PeMethod object code from a predefined method string. |
pe_factory_parameter | parameter() | Creates a PeParameters object code from a predefined Parameters string. |
pe_factory_primem | primem() | Creates a PePrimeMeridian object code from a predefined Prime Meridian string. |
pe_factory_projcs | projcs() | Creates a PeProjectedCS object code from a predefined ProjectedCS string. |
pe_factory_projection | projection() | Creates a PeProjection object code from a predefined projection factory code. |
pe_factory_spheroid | spheroid() | Creates a PeSpheroid object from a predefined spheroid string. |
pe_factory_unit | unit() | Creates a PeUnit object from a predefined unit string. |
pe_predefined_angular_unit | ||
pe_predefined_datum | ||
pe_predefined_geogcs | ||
pe_predefined_geogtran | ||
pe_predefined_linear_unit | ||
pe_predefined_method | ||
pe_predefined_parameter | ||
pe_predefined_primem | ||
pe_predefined_projcs | ||
pe_predefined_projection | ||
pe_predefined_spheroid | ||
pe_table_del | ||
pe_factory_angular_unit_codelist | angularUnitCodelist() | Creates an integer array of angular unit factory codes. |
pe_factory_datum_codelist | datumCodelist() | Creates an integer array of datum factory codes. |
pe_factory_geogcs_codelist | geogcsCodelist() | Creates an integer array of GeographicCS factory codes. |
pe_factory_geogtran_codelist | geogtranCodelist() | Creates an integer array of Geographic Transformation factory codes. |
pe_factory_linear_unit_codelist | linearUnitCodelist() | Creates an integer array of Linear Unit factory codes. |
pe_factory_method_codelist | methodCodelist() | Creates an integer array of Method factory codes. |
pe_factory_parameter_codelist | parameterCodelist() | Creates an integer array of Parameters factory codes. |
pe_factory_primem_codelist | primemCodelist() | Creates an integer array of Prime Meridian factory codes. |
pe_factory_projcs_codelist | projcsCodelist() | Creates an integer array of ProjectedCS factory codes. |
pe_factory_projection_codelist | projectionCodelist() | Creates an integer array of Projection factory codes. |
pe_factory_spheroid_codelist | spheroidCodelist() | Creates an integer array of Spheroid factory codes. |
pe_factory_codelist_del | destroyCodelist() | Deletes an integer array of factory codes. |
NA | vertcsCodelist() | Creates an integer array of VertCS factory codes. |
NA | vertcs() | Creates a PeVertCS object code from a predefined ProjectedCS string. |
NA | vdatum() | Creates a PeVDatum object from a predefined vdatum factory code. |
NA | vdatum() | Creates a PeVDatum object code from a predefined vdatum string. |
NA | vdatumCodelist() | Creates an integer array of datum factory codes |
NA | vertcs() | Creates a PeVertCS object from a predefined VertCS factory code. |
PePrimeMeridian | ||
pe_primem_clone | clone() | Clone a prime meridian |
pe_primem_del | delete() | Deletes a PrimeMeridian object. |
pe_primem_eq | isEqual() | Test if two prime meridians are identical. |
pe_primem_from_string | fromString() | Construct a prime meridian object from its string representation. |
pe_primem_longitude | getLongitude() | Retrieve a prime meridian's longitude. |
pe_primem_name | getName() | Retrive a prime meridian's name. |
pe_primem_new | ||
pe_primem_p | ||
pe_primem_to_string | toString() | Retrieve an external representation of a prime meridian. |
getStatus() | Get this object's status. | |
setStatus() | Set this object's status. | |
PeProjectedCS | ||
pe_projcs_clone | clone() | Clone a PCS |
pe_projcs_clone_alter_units | cloneAlterUnits() | Clone a PCS, change the clone's unit objects to the arguments, and convert values in appropriate parameter objects. |
generateHorizon() | Generate a horizon for a projected coordinate system. | |
getGeogCoordSys() | Retrieve a PCS's GCS. | |
pe_projcs_del | delete() | Deletes a PCS object. |
pe_projcs_eq | isEqual(PeProjectedCS projcs) | Test if two PCSs are identical. |
pe_projcs_eqnn | isEqualNoName() | Test if two PCS's are identical exept for the name (no-name comparison). |
pe_projcs_from_string | fromString() | Construct a projected coordinate system object from its string representation. |
pe_projcs_geogcs | ||
pe_projcs_isconstloaded | isConstLoaded() | Are projection constants for a PCS loaded? |
pe_projcs_load_constants | loadConstants() | Load projection constants for a PCS. |
pe_projcs_name | getName() | Retrieve a PCS's name. |
pe_projcs_new | NA | |
pe_projcs_p | ||
setStatus() | Set this object's status. | |
getStatus() | Get this object's status. | |
pe_projcs_parameters | getParameters() | Retrieve a PCS's parameters into an array. |
pe_projcs_projection | getProjection() | Retrieve a PCS's projection. |
pr_projcs_to_string | toString() | Retrieve a PCS's external representation. |
pe_projcs_unit | getUnit() | Retrieve a PCS's unit (linear). |
pe_projcs_unload_constants | unloadConstants() | Unload projection constants for a PCS. |
PeProjection | ||
pe_projection_clone | clone() | Clone a projection. |
pe_projection_del | delete() | Delete a parameter object. |
pe_projection_eq | isEqual() | |
pe_projection_forward | getForward() | Retrieve a projection's forward function. |
pe_projection_from_string | Construct a projection object from string. | |
NA | getStatus() | Get this object's status. |
pe_projection_horizon | getHorizon() | Retrieve a projection's horizon function. |
NA | getHorizonPcsRaster() | Retrieve a projection's horizon_pcs_raster function. |
NA | getHorizonPcs() | Retrieve a projection's horizon_pcs function. |
pe_projection_inverse | getInverse() | Retrieve a projection's inverse function. |
pe_projection_name | getName() | Retrieve a projection's name. |
pe_projection_new | NA | |
pe_projection_p | NA | |
setStatus() | Set this object's status. | |
pe_projection_to_string | toString() | Retrieve a projection's external representation. |
PeHorizon | ||
pe_generate_horizon | generate() | Creates the projection horizon for a particular projected coordinate system. |
pe_horizon_del | delete() | Destroys a PeHorizon object. |
getCoord() | ||
getInclusive() | ||
getKind() | ||
getNump() | ||
getReplicate() | ||
getSize() | ||
PeSpheroid | ||
pe_spheroid_axis | getAxis() | Retrieve a spheroid's semi-major axis. |
pe_spheroid_clone | clone() | Clone a spheroid. |
pe_spheroid_del | void delete() | Deletes a spheroid object. |
pe_spheroid_eq | isEqual() | Tests if two spheroids are identical. |
pe_spheroid_flattening | getFlattening() | Retrieve a spheroid's flattening. |
pe_spheroid_from_string | fromString() | Convert an external representation into a spheroid. |
pe_spheroid_name | getName() | Retrieve a spheroid's name. |
pe_spheroid_new | ||
pe_spheroid_p | ||
pe_spheroid_to_string | toString() | Retrieve the spheroid's external representation. |
getStatus() | Get this object's status. | |
setStatus() | Set this object's status. | |
PeMethod | ||
pe_method_clone | clone() | Clones a method. |
pe_method_del | delete() | Delete a method object. |
pe_method_eq | isEqual() | Check if both pe objects are equal. |
pe_method_forward | getForward() | Retrieve a method's forward function. |
pe_method_from_string | fromString() | Construct method object from string. |
pe_method_inverse | getInverse() | Retrieve a method's inverse function. |
pe_method_name | getName() | Retrieve a method's name. |
pe_method_new | ||
pe_method_p | ||
pe_method_to_string | toString() | Retrieve a method's external representation. |
getStatus() | Get this object's status. | |
setStatus() | Set this object's status. | |
PeCSTransformations | ||
pe_geog_to_proj | geogToProj() | Transform coordinates from a geographic to projected coordinate system. |
pe_geog1_to_geog2 | geog1ToGeog2() | Transforms between geographic coordinate systems in the true order of a PeGeogTransforms. |
pe_geog2_to_geog1 | geog2ToGeog1() | Transforms between geographic coordinate systems in the opposite direction of a PeGeogTransforms. |
pe_proj_to_geog | projToGeog() | Transform coordinates from a projected to geographic coordinate system. |
PeUnit | ||
pe_unit_clone | clone() | Clone a unit. |
pe_unit_del | delete() | Delete a Unit object. |
pe_unit_eq | isEqual() | Check if both objects are equal. |
pe_unit_factor | getUnitFactor() | Retrieve's a unit's conversion factor. |
pe_unit_from_string | fromString() | Convert an external representation into a unit. |
pe_unit_name | getName() | Retrieve a unit's name. |
pe_unit_new | NA | |
pe_unit_p | NA | |
pe_unit_to_string | toString() | Retrieve the external representation of a unit. |
pe_zunit_from_prjfile | zunitFromProjFile() | Creates a unit object from an ARC/INFO workstation PRJ file. |
pe_zunit_from_prjstring | zunitFromProjString() | Creates a unit object from an ARC/INFO workstation PRJ string. |
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