
Sets the pyramid information for a raster.

Usage syntax

LONG SE_rasterattr_set_pyramid_info (SE_RASTERATTR handle, LONG max_level, BOOL skip_level1, SE_INTERPOLATION_TYPE interpolation);

handle The SE_RASTERATTR handle
max_level The maximum pyramid level
skip_level1 flag to skip level 1. When TRUE, the first level of the pyramid is not built.
interpolation A pointer to the interpolation type

SE_rasterattr_set_pyramid_info sets the pyramid information.

The interpolation types are

SE_INTERPOLATION_NONE - a pyramid is not constructed
SE_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST, - nearest-neighbor interpolation. The closest pixel is resampled into the resulting pixels.
SE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR, - bilinear interpolation. The values of four adjacent pixels are resampled into the resulting pixel.
SE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC, - bicubic interpolation. The values of 16 adjacent pixels are resampled into the resulting pixel.


To create an image without a pyramid, set the pyramid level to 0 and the interpolation type to SE_INTERPOLATION_NONE. If the pyramid level is set to any value other than 0, and the interpolation type is set to SE_INTERPOLATION_NONE ArcSDE returns a SE_INVALID_PARAMETER error.

If you set the maximum pyramid level to SE_PYRAMID_AUTO_LEVEL, ArcSDE will create an image with an optimum number of pyramid levels.

If you set skip_level1 to true, the first level of the pyramid, which is 25% the size of the stored image, is not built, thereby saving storage space at the expense of a marginal loss in display performance.

The nearest-neighbor interpolation method is generally used with single bit (black and white) pixel data. As the pixel depth increases so does the use of the more computationally expensive interpolation levels, since they provide a smoother looking pyramid at higher pixel bit depths. Therefore the bilinear method typically provides a better quality pyramid for 8-bit data than does nearest-neighbor. The bicubic interpolation method generally provides the best result at the higher pixel depth (16-bit and greater) but at a cost of extra computation time.

To create a pyramid on a raster that will be inserted into ArcSDE, the SE_rasterattr_set_pyramid_info function can be combined with other SE_rasterattr_set functions. However, to update the pyramid on an existing raster set the pyramid info but do not set any other raster attribute properties (i.e. do not combine a call to SE_rasterattr_set_pyramid_info with other SE_rasterattr_set functions when updating a raster attribute value).
