pe_verttran_new |
Creates a new vertical transformation
PE_VERTTRAN pe_verttran_new (const char *name, PE_COORDSYS cs, PE_VERTCS vertcs1, PE_VERTCS vertcs2, PE_VTMETHOD vtmethod, PE_PARAMETER parameters[PE_PARM_MAX]);
name | Name of the new vertical transformation |
cs | The associated coordinate system |
vertcs1 | The “from” vertical coordinate system |
vertcs2 | The “to” vertical coordinate system |
vtmethod | The vertical transformation method |
parameters | Any parameters needed by the method for the specific transformation |
Defines a new vertical transformation with the specified attributes
On success, returns the new vertical transformation with the attributes equal to the corresponding arguments; on failure, returns a null pointer
PE_GEOGCS wgs84;
PE_VERTCS wgs84_h, wgs84_geoid;
PE_VERTTRAN wgs2egm = pe_verttran_new("WGS84_To_EGMGeoid", wgs84,
wgs84_h, wgs84_geoid, egm96, vt_par);