
Converts from (X, Y, Z) to (j, l, h)

Usage syntax

void pe_cart_to_curv (double a, double e2, double x, double y, double z, double *phi, double *lambda, double *h);

a Semimajor axis of the spheroid (in meters)
e2 Eccentricity squared of the spheroid
x X coordinate in the geocentric Cartesian coordinate system
y Y coordinate in the geocentric Cartesian coordinate system
z Z coordinate in the geocentric Cartesian coordinate system
phi A pointer to the returned latitude value
lambda A pointer to the returned longitude value
h A pointer to the returned spheroidal height

This function converts from geocentric Cartesian (X, Y, Z) to geographic coordinates.


Geographic latitude and longitude (measured in radians) and the spheroidal height (in meters) of the point