
Creates an authority

Usage syntax

PE_AUTHORITY pe_authority_new (const char *name, int authcode, const char *version);

name The name of the new authority
authcode Code or ID used by the new authority
version The version of the authority

Pe_authority_new defines a new authority with the specified attributes. An authority describes the source of a particular object. Currently, the Projection Engine supports three authorities, although this function allows you to define your own. The existing authorities are EPSG, ESRI, and CUSTOM. For each instance of an object, an authority assigns an ID or code. For example, the EPSG authority assigned 4326 to a particular form of the WGS 1984 geographic coordinate reference system. The version parameter allows you to define a particular release by the authority.


On success, the new authority with the attributes equal to the corresponding arguments; on failure, a null pointer


PE_AUTHORITY esri2 = pe_authority_new("ESRI2",104601,"1.0");