SE_coordref_vertcs_set_by_id |
Sets the vertical coordinate system by ID for the supplied coordinate reference object.
LONG SE_coordref_vertcs_set_by_id (SE_COORDREF coordref, LONG vertcs_id);
coordref | A pointer to the coordinate reference object |
vertcs_id | The predefined Projection Engine ID |
Sets the vertical coordinate system for the supplied coordinate reference
object. The vertical coordinate system is identified by the predefined
Projection Engine object ID. There are around 100 predefined vertical coordinate
systems listed in the pedef.h file.
If the vertcs_id is set to zero, the function fails with SE_INVALID_COORDSYS_ID.
This occurs when it receives a NULL pointer to a vertical coordinate system
structure from pe_factory().
The correct way to set the horizontal and vertical coordinate systems to unknown
is to call SE_coordref_set_by_description().