
Establishes and switches to a new proxy-authenticated session or switches to a previously established proxy session matching the specified parameters

Usage syntax

LONG SE_connection_switch_to_proxy_session (SE_CONNECTION handle, *username const ACHAR, *password const ACHAR, **role_array const ACHAR, num_roles const LONG, distinguished_name const ACHAR);

SE_CONNECTION The connection handle; an active connection created by a previous call to SE_connection_create
username The user name for which to create a proxy session; whether or not this parameter should be used is determined by whether user name-based proxy authentication was configured by the database administrator (DBA)
password The password for the specified username; whether or not this parameter should be specified is determined by whether password-based proxy authentication was configured by the DBA for the user name specifed with the username parameter
role_array An array of strings that define what DBMS roles should be activated for the proxy session
num_roles The number of roles specified in role_array; this parameter is required if role_array is not null
distinguished_name Distinguished name of user for which proxy session is to be created; use if distinguished name-based proxy authentication was configured by the DBA

Note: Either the username or the distinguished_name parameter is required; which one is used depends on the method of proxy authentication configured by the DBA for the given user.


The function SE_connection_switch_to_proxy_session changes the connection to use a new or existing proxy-authenticated session. 
