SE_ptable_snape |
Snaps to the closest point in the point table
LONG SE_ptable_snap (SE_PTABLE ptable, SE_POINT *pt, LFLOAT z, LFLOAT radius, ULONG mask, SE_SNAPPED_POINT *spt LONG snapmode);
ptable | The handle to a point table |
pt | The pointer to the SE_POINT structure of the search point |
z | The z-value associated with the search point pt |
radius | The search radius to use to find the closest point |
mask | The type mask for the points to search |
spt | A pointer to the SE_SNAPPED_POINT structure that will receive the results of the search |
snapmode | The snap method (SE_SNAP2D, SE_SNAP3D) |
SE_ptable_snap conducts a search of the point table to find the point closest to the supplied point value within the specified search radius. A point in the table remains in the search only if a logical AND between the candidate�s point mask and the supplied mask is nonzero. Returns 1 if the point was successfully snapped. Returns 0 if the point couldn�t be snapped.
The snapmode determines how to conduct the search for the closest snap point:
Mask bits differentiate point types. For snapping purposes, a zero mask means not to use a mask test; in other words, return the closest point of any type.