
Adds one or more points to the point table

Usage syntax

LONG SE_ptable_add_point (SE_PTABLE ptable, SE_POINT *pt, LFLOAT *z, LONG count, ULONG mask);

ptable The handle to a point table
pt The pointer to an array of one or more SE_POINT structures
z The pointer to an array of z-values associated with the two-dimensional SE_POINT array; use a null pointer or a 0 filled array for 2-D points.
count The number of points in the point array and z-array
mask The type mask for the points to add

The SE_ptable_add_point function adds the supplied points that reside inside the clip window to the point table. Points outside the point table’s envelope are discarded.

Use mask values to select the types of points for snapping and to differentiate point types after a snap. If a point already exists in the table, the routine performs a logical OR operation on the point mask with the value of the passed type mask.

Mask bits differentiate point types. Do not use a zero mask. Snapping a point requires a mask to perform a logical AND operation with the mask of each candidate’s point. If the result of the logical AND operation is zero, the point is ignored for snapping purposes.

If inserting 2-D points, the z-array can be either a null pointer, or an array of elevations set to 0 for each point. If inserting 3-D points, each point in the two-dimensional SE_POINT array (pt) must have a valid z-value in the z-array.
