ArcSDE and PostgreSQL 8.4.1

ArcSDE 10 for PostgreSQL is delivered with PostgreSQL 8.3.8, but you can create an ArcSDE geodatabase in PostgreSQL 8.4.1. ESRI does not distribute PostgreSQL 8.4.1, so you must go to the PostgreSQL Web site to obtain the files and instructions for installing PostgreSQL 8.4.1 if you want to use it.

If you were using ArcSDE 9.3.x for PostgreSQL and want to use 8.4.1, you must upgrade your PostgreSQL database cluster from 8.3.0, then upgrade your ArcSDE geodatabase. See Upgrading from PostgreSQL 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 on Linux or Upgrading from PostgreSQL 8.3.0 to 8.4.1 on Windows for instructions.

If you are setting up a new ArcSDE 10 geodatabase in PostgreSQL 8.4.1, see Creating a geodatabase in PostgreSQL 8.4.1 on Linux or Creating a geodatabase in PostgreSQL 8.4.1 on Windows for instructions.
