Installing ArcSDE for PostgreSQL on Linux

To install ArcSDE for PostgreSQL on a Linux operating system, log into the server as the operating system sde user and run the installation procedure. Be sure this account has write permissions to the installation directory.

Installing ArcSDE creates a directory that contains configuration files, administration commands, and shared libraries. This directory is referred to as SDEHOME and that is also the name of the environment variable for this directory.

Follow these steps to install ArcSDE for PostgreSQL on a Linux operating system:

  1. Log into the server as the sde operating system user.
  2. Access the ArcSDE installation files.
    • If you have a DVD, place it in the appropriate drive and mount the drive.
    • If you downloaded an ISO image, create a directory for the image and mount the image.
  3. To start the ArcSDE installation, change directories to the appropriate database directory.
  4. Type the install command at the operating system prompt to start the ArcSDE installation.
    ./install -load

    The command-driven dialog for the ArcSDE installation procedure starts.

  5. Read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.
    • If you have read and agree with the terms in the enclosed license agreement, type yes to continue the installation process.
    • If you do not accept the license agreement, press ENTER or type no to exit the installation process.
  6. Complete the component installation.

    Default selections are noted in brackets: [ ]. To obtain a list of options or online help, type ? at any prompt. You can quit the installation procedure at any time by typing quit or q. To return to a previous question, type the caret (^).

After the ArcSDE installation completes, continue with geodatabase creation.

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