
This command reports information about a shapefile in preparation for loading it into an ArcSDE feature class.

Note: This function is not supported on 64-bit Windows, Linux, or HP-UX Itanium.

Usage syntax

shpinfo [-o describe] -f <shape_file> [-d <{shape | sde | both}>]

shpinfo -o stats -f <shape_file> [-d <{shape | sde | both}>]

shpinfo -h


Operation Description
describe Lists the shapefile header and attribute column definitions (the default)
stats Performs the describe operation and lists statistical information



Options Description

Displays attribute column definitions

shape: Displays column definitions in shape format (the default)

sde: Displays column definitions in ArcSDE format

both: Displays column definitions in shape and ArcSDE formats

-f Path to and name of the shapefile
-h or -? Either option used to see the usage and options for the command (Note: If using a C shell, use -h or "-\?".)
-o Operation


Discussion and examples

Before importing a shapefile to an ArcSDE geodatabase, you probably want to find out information about the file. The shpinfo command returns the header information and column definitions of the shapefile. Though this command does not actually involve the geodatabase, it is a tool you might use prior to importing a shapefile to the geodatabase using the shp2sde command.

In the following example, information from the fland shapefile's header file is returned, as are the shapefile attribute definitions:

C:\ArcGIS\ArcSDE\>shpinfo -o describe -f c:\data\fland -d shape

Shape File: c:\data\fland
Version: 1000
Codepage: 1252
Type: Polygon
Number of Shapes: 40426
Extent: minX: -179.133392334 minY: 17.67469215393
maxX: 179.7882080078 maxY: 71.34069824219

Shape Attribute Columns: 10
Name         Type Width Decimal Places
AREA          N     12         3
PERIMETER     N     12         3
LANDID        N     11         -
FEATURE1      C     80         -
FEATURE2      C     80         -
URL           C    150         -
NAME1         C     80         -
NAME2         C     80         -
STATE         C     14         -
STATE_FIPS    C     14         -

This is the information for the attribute columns as they exist in the dbf file.


The sde information for the same shapefile returns the header information, as well as the ArcSDE data type definitions, as shown in the following example:

C:\ArcGIS\ArcSDE\>shpinfo -o describe -f c:\data\fland -d sde

Shape File: c:\data\fland
Version: 1000
Codepage: 1252
Type: Polygon
Number of Shapes: 40426
Extent: minX: -179.133392334 minY: 17.67469215393
maxX: 179.7882080078 maxY: 71.34069824219

SDE Attribute Columns: 10
Name         Type       Width   Decimal Places     NULL?
AREA         SE_DOUBLE   15            3
PERIMETER    SE_DOUBLE   15            3
LANDID       SE_DOUBLE   11            -
FEATURE1     SE_STRING   80            -
FEATURE2     SE_STRING   80            -
URL          SE_STRING  150            -
NAME1        SE_STRING   80            -
NAME2        SE_STRING   80            -
STATE        SE_STRING   14            -
STATE_FIPS   SE_STRING   14            -

SDE column definition string:
AREA double(15,3), PERIMETER double(15,3), LANDID double(11), FEATURE1
string(80), FEATURE2 string(80), URL string(150), NAME1 string(80), NAME2 string(80),
STATE string(14), STATE_FIPS string(14)

The -d sde option returns the column definitions that will be used to create or add to the business table in the geodatabase when you execute the shp2sde init or append operations.

In the next example, both the shape and sde information are returned for the cities shapefile.

$ shpinfo -o stats -f cities -d both

Shape File: /world/cities
Type: Point
Number of Shapes: 606
Extent: minx: -165.2700042724 miny: -53.15000152587
maxx: 177.1301879882 maxy: 78.19999694824

Shape Attribute Columns: 4
Name      Type  Width Decimal Places
NAME       C     40         -
COUNTRY    C     12         -
POPULATION N     11         -
CAPITAL    C      1         -

SDE Attribute Columns: 4
Name         Type     Width     Decimal Places     NULL?
NAME       SE_STRING   40             -
COUNTRY    SE_STRING   12             -
POPULATION SE_DOUBLE   12             1
CAPITAL    SE_STRING    1             -

SDE column definition string:
NAME string(40), COUNTRY string(12), POPULATION double(12,1), CAPITAL string(1)


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