Geodatabase connections

You can make connections to an ArcSDE geodatabase licensed through ArcGIS Server Enterprise using either an ArcSDE service or a direct connection. You provide different information with the -i command depending on the type of connection you use.

Direct connections to the geodatabase

To specify a direct connection to an ArcSDE geodatabase, you need to provide direct connect information with the -i option. For example, if you are connecting to an Oracle10g geodatabase with a DBMS user, specify -i sde:oracle10g. Other DBMS direct connections are specified as follows:


-i sde:db2

DB2 on an IBM z/OS machine:

-i sde:db2zos



-i sde:informix:<odbc_dsn>

 where <odbc_dsn> = ODBC data source name


Oracle 10g*

Using database authentication:

-i sde:oracle10g


Using OS authentication against a remote Oracle instance:

-i sde:oracle10g:/;LOCAL=<SQL_Net_alias>

where <SQL_Net_alias> = the alias used by the Oracle client to connect to the database


Using OS authentication against a local Oracle instance:

-i sde:oracle10g:/;ORACLE_SID=<SQL_Net_alias>


Do not supply a -u or -p option when using OS authentication.


For a user-schema geodatabase:

-i sde:oracle10g:<SQL_Net_alias>:<schema_name>

where <schema_name> = the name of user's schema in which the geodatabase was created


Oracle 11g*


Using database authentication:

-i sde:oracle11g


Using OS authentication against a remote Oracle instance:

-i sde:oracle11g:/;LOCAL=<SQL_Net_alias>

where <SQL_Net_alias> = the alias used by the Oracle client to connect to the database


Using OS authentication against a local Oracle instance:

-i sde:oracle11g:/;ORACLE_SID=<SQL_Net_alias>


Do not supply a -u or -p option when using OS authentication.


For a user-schema geodatabase:

-i sde:oracle11g:<SQL_Net_alias>:<schema_name>

where <schema_name> = the name of user's schema in which the geodatabase was created


-i sde:postgresql:<server_name>

SQL Server

For a default instance:

 -i sde:sqlserver:<name or IP address of server>

For a named instance:

 -i sde:sqlserver:<server_name>\<instance_name>


*When making a direct connection to a geodatabase in Oracle and connecting as a database user, you must provide the Oracle net service name as part of the connecting user's password. For example, if the net service name is oradb and the user's password is over.under, you would pass over.under@oradb with the -p option.

For information on configuring client machines to make direct connections to an ArcSDE geodatabase, see the ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Desktop Help topic Setting up clients for a direct connection. For more details on connection syntax, see the topic ArcSDE connection syntax.

ArcSDE services

An ArcSDE service can be specified in several ways. By default, the service is named in the SDEHOME/etc/services.sde file. However, you can override the service in the services.sde file in three ways:

The -i and -H options are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together. Either of the options overrides the service specified in both the SDEINSTANCE variable and the services.sde file.

If neither of the above has been specified, the service is specified by the SDEINSTANCE system variable.

If no SDEINSTANCE variable exists, the service is specified in the services.sde file.

The port number can be substituted for the service name if you want to enter the port number of the service name directly.

sdelayer -o list -u av -p mo -i 5151

The above set of rules does not apply to the sdemon -o start operation. For this operation, specifying the service on the command line indicates that you want to perform a remote startup. The start operation does not use the service specified in the SDEINSTANCE variable.

Administration commands and services

All administration commands except sdesetup connect to the service through the giomgr process and are clients of the ArcSDE service.

For these commands, the default service is esri_sde (5151). To operate on a service other than the default, you must either set the SDEINSTANCE variable:

setenv SDEINSTANCE production

sdelayer -o list -u arcview -p mapobjects

Or include the -i <service> option on the administration command line:

sdelayer -o list -u arcuser -p maps -i production

The sdesetup command behaves differently because it must be able to directly connect to the database management system (DBMS) instance.

The sdesetup command also requires you to enter either the database administrator's password or the ArcSDE administrative user password, depending on the DBMS used. Refer to your ArcSDE Installation Guide for details.



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