Standard Reports

Standard reports allow you to create reports for your sites. You can choose the report types, view report descriptions, choose the report format (PDF, Excel or both) and run favorite reports. Popular reports are indicated based on the frequency of selection.

  1. Click the Reports tab and click Standard Reports.

    Your saved sites appear in the site panel.

    Select sites for your report
  2. Choose which sites to include by doing one of the following:
    • Click Select All to automatically select all sites.
    • Check the check box for the sites for which you want to run reports.

    You can click None to uncheck all sites then proceed to check the individual sites for which you want to run reports.

    The number of sites checked appears next to Selected Sites.

Standard Reports

You can select the type of reports that you want to view.

  1. Click the All Reports drop-down menu to select the type.
    Select the type of reports you want to view

    You can choose from All Reports, Business, Consumer Spending, Demographics, Maps, Traffic, Market Potential, and Tapestry Segmentation. All Reports is the default.

    Once you select from the list, the reports in the category appear.

  2. You can also use the Search for reports text box to find reports.
    Search for reports text box
  3. Click Add Click to add a report to add the report to the Selected Reports table.

    When the mouse pointer moves over Add, a pop-up appears that allows you to change the report format. You can choose, PDF, Excel or both.

    Report format buttons

    The Sample column provides a sample view of the report. Click the sample report icon to view a sample. Report sample icon

    The Vintage column indicates the source and vintage of the data included in the report. Data

    The yellow star indicates a favorite report. Click the star to select favorite reports. When selected, the star will turn yellow. Favorites icon

    The report is added to the Selected Reports table for the selected sites. Continue this process until you have selected all the reports that you want to run.

    To remove the report from Selected Reports, click the X in the red box.

  4. You can enter a subtitle for the report.
  5. You can run reports individually or run all.
    • To run each report individually, click Run now. When the report is ready, the Run now text is replaced with Open Report. Click Open Report to view.
    • To run all of the reports in Selected Reports, click Run all.

To select favorites

You can select favorite reports and manage the order in which they appear in all-in-one PDFs.

To add a report to favorites, click the star in the row of the report you want to make a favorite.

When selected, the star turns yellow yellow star.

To remove the report from your favorites, click the yellow star to remove the yellow fill.

To run favorites

If you want to run a report for your favorites, use the Run Favorites button.

Run Favorites button
  1. Click Run Favorites in the Run Standard Reports pane.

    The Order Confirmation dialog box appears.

  2. Click OK.

    The Reports Ready dialog box appears.

    Some reports are not available for a polygonal site. If you've selected one of these reports, an error message appears. Check the list below for reports that are not available.

    Reports not available for polygonal sites are

    • Business Locator
    • Site Details Map
    • Site Map on Satellite Imagery
    • Traffic Count Profile
    • Traffic Count Profile Map Close-Up
    • Major Shopping Center Locator