Have questions about Community Analyst? Here you will quickly find answers to our most commonly asked questions. The below FAQs include answers to questions we've received from website visitors. If you can't find an answer to your question, you can submit your question to us and receive a reply by e-mail.
A note about Community Analyst vs Business Analyst Online - Community Analyst and Business Analyst Online are very similar in terms of features and data. The data and features in the two products are organized a bit differently to better serve the different audiences and intended analysis goals of the products. Business Analyst Online is intended for commercial audiences focused primarily on site selection, whereas Community Analyst is focused on policy issues and enabling understanding of communities from a "social issues" perspective.
Over time, the two products are likely to continue to diverge. However, there is no need to rush to switch your current subscription from one to the other, nor is there a need to wait to see how the products will differ over time. You can always re-evaluate your product choice at renewal time and make any desired changes then. Or, if you discover you need to switch from one product to another in the middle of your subscription, simply call 800-447-9778 for assistance.