B U S I N E S S   A N A L Y S T   S E R V E R   10.1   R E S T   T A S K S

Segmentation Tasks



Core and Developmental Segments

Displays core and developmental segments in a table with customer count and percent, market area count and percent and index.

Game Plan Chart

Divides Tapestry segments into one of four categories.

Game Plan Map

Divides sites in the area of interest into one of four categories and thematically shades each site based on the output from the Game Plan Chart.

Multi-profile Bar Chart

Compares up to three target profiles to a single base profile.

Profile by Area Summation

Creates a new Tapestry segmentation profile on the given polygon layer.

Profile by Import from Table

Creates a new Tapestry segmentation profile from a table of aggregated segmentation information.

Profile by Table Geocoding

Creates a new Tapestry segmentation profile from a table of address records.

Profile Comparison Chart

Compares a target profile to a base profile.

Report from Profile

Creates Tapestry Segmentation Report from a segmentation profile.

Tapestry Profile Report

Creates the Tapestry Profile Report based on comparison your customer target segmentation profile to a base segmentation profile.

Target Group

Composes a Tapestry segmentation target group by an array of targets.

Target Map

Thematically shades selected Tapestry segments in a single color. This map helps you determine where your target segments are located.

Target Penetration Map

Thematically shades the percent penetration of selected segments. This map helps you determine the concentration of your target segments at a given level of geography.

Understanding Target Customers

Creates a report to compare the Tapestry profile of your core and developmental customers to the Tapestry profile of a syndicated survey.