ArcPad Scripting Object Model
Map Object Members
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Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method AddFeatureAdds a shape to the appropriate editable layer of the current map.
Public Method AddFeatureXYAdds a point to the editable point layer of the current map.
Public Method AddLayerFromFileLoads an existing layer into the current map and returns a reference to the layer.
Public Method CenterAtCenters the map at the location of the specified point object.
Public Method CenterAtXYCenters the map at the specified location.
Public Method ClearCloses the current map and creates a new, blank map.
Public Method CopyToClipboardCopies the contents of the map view to the Windows clipboard as a bitmap.
Public Method DrawShapeDraws a shape on the map using the specified symbology.
Public Method DrawTextDraws text on the map using the specified text symbol.
Public Method HyperlinkXYActivates the hyperlink for the feature at the specified location.
Public Method IdentifyXYIdentifies the feature at the specified location.
Public Method OpenCloses the current map and opens the specified map.
Public Method RedrawRefreshes the data in the map view.
Public Method RefreshRefreshes the data in the map view.
Public Method SaveSaves the current map.
Public Method SelectSelects the feature at the specified location.
Public Method SelectXYSelects the feature at the specified location.
Public Method StopDrawingInterrupts map drawing for the current drawing cycle.
Public Method TrackArrowCaptures the pointer location as it is moved across the map view and draws a rotated arrow. Returns the arrow's angle of rotation.
Public Method TrackEllipseDisplays a rubber-band ellipse on the Map and returns an Ellipse object.
Public Method TrackRectangleDisplays a rubber-band rectangle on the Map and returns a Rectangle object.

Public Properties

Public Property CoordinateSystemReturns or sets the coordinate system of the map.
Public Property EditLayerReturns a reference to the currently editable layer.
Public Property ExtentReturns or sets the spatial extent of the current map view.
Public Property FilePathReturns the complete path to the current map file (.apm).
Public Property FixedZoomReturns or sets the zoom percentage used by the Fixed Zoom In and Fixed Zoom Out tools.
Public Property hWndReturns the window handle of the map view.
Public Property LayersReturns a reference to the Layers object.
Public Property NameReturns or sets the name of the current map (.apm file).
Public Property NavigationReturns a reference to the global Navigation object.
Public Property PointerDisplayXReturns the current X location of the pointer in device pixel coordinates.
Public Property PointerDisplayYReturns the current Y location of the pointer in device pixel coordinates.
Public Property PointerModeReturns or sets the currently active mode tool. A mode tool is a tool that puts the map pointer in an action mode and remains depressed while active (for example, Identify, Select, Vertex Edit, etc.).
Public Property PointerXReturns the current X location of the pointer in the coordinate system of the map.
Public Property PointerYReturns the current Y location of the pointer in the coordinate system of the map.
Public Property PropertiesReturns or sets the specified property for the map.
Public Property RotationAngleReturns or sets the angle at which the map is rotated.
Public Property ScaleReturns or sets the map scale.
Public Property SelectionBookmarkReturns the bookmark of the currently selected feature.
Public Property SelectionLayerReturns a reference to the layer of the currently selected feature.
Public Property SnappingToleranceReturns or sets the snapping tolerance in meters.


Public Event OnAfterDrawOccurs after the map is re-drawn or refreshed.
Public Event OnAfterLayerDrawOccurs after each layer in the map is re-drawn or refreshed.
Public Event OnBeforeDrawOccurs when the map is about to be re-drawn or refreshed.
Public Event OnBeforeLayerDrawOccurs when each layer in the map is about to be re-drawn or refreshed.
Public Event OnCloseOccurs after the map has been closed.
Public Event OnDrawingCancelledOccurs when the map re-draw is interrupted by the user.
Public Event OnFeatureAddedOccurs after a new feature is added.
Public Event OnFeatureChangedOccurs after an existing feature has been edited.
Public Event OnFeatureDeletedOccurs after an existing feature has been deleted.
Public Event OnFeatureGeometryChangedOccurs after an existing feature's geometry has been edited.
Public Event OnIdentifyOccurs when a shapefile feature is identified via the Identify tool.
Public Event OnNewOccurs when a new map is created.
Public Event OnOpenOccurs when a map is opened.
Public Event OnPointerDownOccurs when the pointer is touched on the map view.
Public Event OnPointerModeChangedOccurs when a mode tool is selected or unselected. A mode tool is a tool that puts the map pointer in an action mode and remains depressed while active (for example, Identify, Select, Vertex Edit, etc.).
Public Event OnPointerMoveOccurs when the pointer is moving around while still touching the map view.
Public Event OnPointerUpOccurs when the pointer is released from the map view.
Public Event OnSaveOccurs when the current map is saved.
Public Event OnSelectionChangedOccurs when the selected feature changes.

See Also

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