Mobile device information
If a mobile device is connected to a PC via ActiveSync (XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center (Vista or later), ArcPad Studio can display information about the connected device. This includes available scripting engines, processor details, OS version, and memory status. The information provided can be used to determine if a mobile device supports the minimum requirements for a particular ArcPad customization project.
Mobile device information sample
Mobile Device Information
Device Id : 0x1C0973EF (470381551)
Processor Architecture : 5 (ARM)
Processor Type : 2577
VBScript DLL present : Yes
JScript DLL present : Yes ==============================================================================
Version Information
Major Version : 5
Minor Version : 1
Build Number : 70
Platform ID : 3 CSD Version :
Memory Status
Load : 46%
Total Physical : 51683328 bytes (49.29 mb)
Available Physical : 28172288 (26.87 mb)
Total Paged : 0 (0 mb)
Available Paged : 0 (0 mb)
Total Virtual : 33554432 (32 mb)
Available Virtual : 30801920 (29.38 mb)
System Information
Oem Id : 0x00000005
Page Size : 4096
Minimum Application Address : 0x00010000
Maximum Application Address : 0x7FFFFFFF
Active Processor Mask : 0x00000001
Number of Processors : 1
Allocation Granularity : 65536
Processor Level : 4
Processor Revision : 4
Displaying mobile device information
To display mobile device information, click Tools > Get Mobile Device Information.
To save the output file, MobileDeviceInfo.txt, to the desired location, click File > Save As.

The file MobileDeviceInfo.txt is not automatically saved to your PC. You must explicitly save the file if you want to keep it.