Use a form to organize a single task or set of related tasks onto a single window. A form contains one or more pages. The following screen shot shows a form with two pages (tabs):
Forms are represented by form objects in the ArcPad object model and by FORM elements in ArcPad Extensible Markup Language (XML).
Form attributes are set at design time in ArcPad Studio on the Form Properties dialog box. They cannot be changed at run time (some attributes have corresponding properties that can be accessed and changed at run time). For more information, see Attributes vs. properties.
Attributes beginning with "on" (for example, onload) are used to specify the script to run when an event occurs. These attributes are set in the Events page on the Form Properties dialog box. Attributes are written to the customization file (layer definition, applet, default configuration) in ArcPad XML format.
The following table shows the available form attributes and descriptions:
Attributes | Descriptions |
name | The form name. Used to reference the form in scripts. |
backgroundcolor | The form's background color. This can be overridden by setting a page's or control's backgroundcolor attribute. |
caption | The text appearing on the form's title bar. |
color | The form's text color. This can be overridden by setting a page's or control's color attribute. |
width | The form's width. |
height | The form's height. |
tabsvisible | Specifies if the form contains tabs (pages). |
font | The font used for the form. |
fontsize | The font size used for the form. |
fontstyle | The font style used for the form. |
attributespagevisible | Specifies if the attributes page displays with the form (Edit and Identify forms only). |
symbologypagevisible | Specifies if the symbology page displays with the form (Edit and Identify forms only). |
geographypagevisible | Specifies if the geography page displays with the form (Edit and Identify forms only). This attribute can not be set to false if averaging is enabled. |
picturepagevisible | Specifies if the picture page displays with the form (Edit and Identify forms only). |
sip | Specifies if the soft input panel (SIP) displays on pen devices by default when controls get the focus. |
onload | The script to run when an OnLoad event occurs. |
onunload | The script to run when an OnUnload event occurs. |
onsetactive | The script to run when an OnSetActive event occurs. |
onkillactive | The script to run when an OnKillActive event occurs. |
onok | The script to run when an OnOK event occurs. |
oncancel | The script to run when an OnCancel event occurs. |
onrefresh | The script to run when an OnRefresh event occurs (Edit and Identify forms only). |
Forms generate a range of events as they are operating. You can specify a script to run when any of these events occur.
The following table shows the available form events and descriptions:
Events | Descriptions |
OnCancel | Occurs when the Cancel button is clicked on the form. |
OnKillActive | Occurs when the form loses the focus. |
OnLoad | Occurs when the form is loaded. |
OnOK | Occurs when the OK button is clicked on the form. |
OnRefresh | Occurs when the displayed Identify form is updated. |
OnSetActive | Occurs when the form gets the focus. |
OnUnload | Occurs when the form is unloaded. |
Form properties can be read and set at run time via scripts.
The following table shows the available form properties and descriptions:
Properties | Descriptions |
ActivePage | Returns a reference to the currently displayed page on the form. |
Caption | Returns or sets the caption that displays for the form. |
Fields | Returns a reference to the fields of the current record (Edit and Identify forms only). |
hWnd | Returns the form's window handle. |
Mode | Returns a value that indicates how the form is used. |
Name | Returns the form's name. |
Pages | Returns a reference to the form's pages. |
Form methods can be called at run time via scripts.
The following table shows the available form methods and descriptions.
Methods | Descriptions |
Close | Shuts the form. |
Show | Displays the General form. |
Referencing a form
You can only reference a form that is currently displayed. Attempting to reference a form that is not currently displayed, results in a runtime error. The following discusses the approaches (Direct and Event) to referencing a form.
Direct reference
This involves referencing a form via its name and parent object. For example, use the following code to reference a form with the name "frmSettings" that is present in an applet with the name "Custom Settings":
Dim objForm Set objForm = Applet.Forms("frmSettings")
var objForm = Applet.Forms("frmSettings");
objForm = Applet.Forms("frmSettings")
The previous code assumes that it is present in the applet (that is, in the .apa file or its associated script file). If you need to reference the same form from a different applet or other customization file, explicitly reference the applet. See the following code:
Dim objApplet Set objApplet = Applets("Custom Settings") Dim objForm Set objForm = objApplet.Forms("frmSettings")
var objApplet = Applets("Custom Settings"); var objForm = objApplet.Forms("frmSettings");
objApplet = Applets("Custom Settings") objForm = objApplet.Forms("frmSettings")
- Use Layer.Forms to reference forms from within a particular layer.
- Use Applet.Forms to reference forms from within an applet.
- Use Application.Forms to reference forms from within the default configuration file (ArcPad.apx).
Event reference
This involves referencing a form in an event handling script. For example, use the following code to reference a form in its OnLoad event handler:
Dim objForm Set objForm = ThisEvent.Object
var objForm = ThisEvent.Object;
objForm = ThisEvent.Object
Use the following code to reference a form in the OnLoad event handler on one of the form's pages:
Dim objForm Set objForm = ThisEvent.Object.Parent
var objForm = ThisEvent.Object.Parent;
objForm = ThisEvent.Object.Parent
Displaying a general form
To display a form, reference the form and call its Show method, passing in the name of the form. For example, use the following code to display a form named "frmSettings" that is present in an applet with the name "Custom Settings":
The previous code assumes that it is present in the applet (that is, in the .apa file or its associated script file). If you need to display the same form from a different applet or other customization file, explicitly reference the applet. See the following code:
Dim objApplet Set objApplet = Application.Applets("Custom Settings") Dim objForm Set objForm = objApplet.Forms("frmSettings") objForm.Show
var objApplet = Application.Applets("Custom Settings"); var objForm = objApplet.Forms("frmSettings"); objForm.Show();
objApplet = Application.Applets("Custom Settings") objForm = objApplet.Forms("frmSettings") objForm.Show()
- Use Layer.Forms to display forms from within a particular layer.
- Use Applet.Forms to display forms from within an applet.
- Use Application.Forms to display forms from within the default configuration file (ArcPad.apx).
If you want to display data-related forms, such as Edit forms programmatically within ArcPad, the following commands can be used:
- Map.addFeature or Map.addFeatureXY invokes the Edit form for a feature.
- Map.IdentifyXY invokes an Identify form.
- Application.ExecuteCommand("Find") invokes a Query form.
Initializing a form
Form initialization involves setting particular form properties when the form first displays. Generally, the form's OnLoad event handler is the most appropriate place to do this. For example, the following code changes the form's caption to "New Caption" when called in the OnLoad event handler:
ThisEvent.Object.Caption = "New Caption"
ThisEvent.Object.Caption = "New Caption";
ThisEvent.Object.Caption = "New Caption"
Referencing attribute fields for the current feature on an Edit form
You can reference the Fields object that represents the fields of the feature currently being edited in an Edit form. This is useful if you want to read or modify field values that are not present on the Edit form.
Generally, the form's OnLoad event handler is the most appropriate place to do this. For example, the following code writes the current date to a field called LASTEDIT when called in the Edit form's page OnLoad event handler:

The LASTEDIT field must be present in the layer or the script generates an error.
Dim objFields Set objFields = ThisEvent.Object.Parent.Fields objFields("LASTEDIT").Value = FormatDateTime(Now(),vbShortDate)
var objFields, dtDate, strToday; Set objFields = ThisEvent.Object.Parent.Fields(); dtDate = new Date(); strToday = (dtDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/"; strToday += dtDate.getDate() + "/"; strToday += dtDate.getYear(); objFields("LASTEDIT").Value = strToday;
To do demonstrate the same example using Python, the script must be saved in a script file associated to the Edit form, and not embedded inside the Edit form. Inside the Edit form's page OnLoad event, the script function, getDate, would be referenced:
import datetime def getDate(): objFields = ThisEvent.Object.Parent.Fields objFields("LASTEDIT").Value =