Publishing ArcPad data to ArcGIS Server

Publishing ArcPad data to ArcGIS Server enables you to synchronize ArcPad edits directly with the source geodatabase within ArcPad, either through your network or wireless connection. Manually copying of edited files from device to PC, for check in is not required.

This exercise makes use of a number of ESRI products, and it is assumed that all are installed and operational before you commence this exercise. The system requirements for this exercise are:


If you are installing from ArcPad 10 installation media, the installation will detect whether you have ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 or ArcGIS Desktop 10, and install the correct version of the ArcPad Desktop Tools for you. Likewise, the Arcpad 10 installation media will detect whether you have ArcGIS Server 9.3 or ArcGIS Server 10, and install the correct version of the ArcGIS Server ArcPad Extension for you.

This exercise is divided into four parts.

  1. Preparing sample data for Publishing
  2. Using the ArcPad Data manager to Author an ArcPad Project
  3. Publishing an ArcPad Project
  4. Deploying a Published ArcPad Project
