Overview of graphics layer

ArcPad supports graphics layer files. The ArcPad Graphics Layer (.apg) is an XML file that can store text, points, lines, and polygons. It is used for redlining or to make freehand georeferenced edits in the field. Graphics layer files can be easily imported into ArcGIS Desktop.

If you select the Graphics Layer for editing, all previously selected layers are deselected. However, with the Graphics Layer selected, you can then select up to two shapefiles or ArcPad AXF files for editing. In this case, the shapefiles or ArcPad AXF files take precedence over the Graphics Layer when editing, but you are still able to add sketches and notes to your ArcPad map while adding or updating features.

A graphics layer is different than a shapefile or ArcPad AXF file. You can have many features of different types in one layer such as a point feature, a freehand polygon feature, a line feature, and text.

When editing a graphics layer, you can use any of the feature types—point, line, polyline, freehand line, rectangle, polygon, ellipse, circle, freehand polygon—to create features for your layer.

In addition, you can associate text to any feature you create in your graphics layer including - text point, text line, text polygon, text rectangle, and text ellipse
