Creating new features with a GPS and rangefinder

It’s easy to create new features using the editing tools in ArcPad. First, select the layers for which you want to create the new features. Then select the appropriate tool and use the mouse pointer, pen, or incoming GPS coordinates to digitize the feature.

You can use the editing tools to create new point, line, or polygon features. To create point features, tap once on the map or tap the GPS Point button. To create line or polygon features, use the mouse pointer, pen, or incoming GPS coordinates to digitize the vertices that make up that feature. The new feature is saved in the selected layer of the same feature type.

You can specify various quality and capture options when using the incoming GPS coordinates. You can also set alert messages and sounds to be activated when a specific GPS quality setting is not met. In addition, you can use offsets and a rangefinder to determine the location of your point feature.
