Log file locations and names expand/collapse all
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Interpreting Spatial Server log files

Dynamically start and stop full logging

Enabling full verbose logging

expand/collapse item About log file locations and names

Log files help keep track of what is happening on your site. As the Spatial Servers, Application Server, Monitor, and Tasker process requests, certain information is logged depending on the log level. This information is helpful for monitoring your site for performance and also to help troubleshoot issues when a problem arises.

The ArcIMS log files are found in various locations, depending on the type of log file. The following log files are always available.

Log file Description Location
Spatial Server log files See below for a detailed list of Spatial Server log files. Windows: <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\Server\log
UNIX and Linux: $AIMSHOME/log
AppServerStatus.log Contains brief ArcIMS site startup, recycling information, notes about error conditions that have occurred, and administrative activities performed on ArcIMS site. More detailed information is available in the Application Server debug log files. Windows: <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\AppServer
UNIX and Linux: $AIMSHOME/Middleware/Application_Server
RecyclingSummary.log Provides statistics on the most recent recycling event. The log file is present only if you have set recycling on one or more server types. Windows: <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\AppServer
UNIX and Linux: $AIMSHOME/Middleware/Application_Server
MonitorStatus.log Lists the date and time Monitor was last started, records certain errors generated during the startup of the process, and records errors when ArcIMS is not authorized on the machine. Windows: <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\Server\Monitor
UNIX and Linux: $AIMSHOME/Monitor
TaskerStatus.log Lists the date and time Tasker was last started and records certain errors generated during the startup of the process. Windows: <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\AppServer\Tasker
UNIX and Linux: $AIMSHOME/Middleware/Tasker

The following log files are available when full verbose logging or dynamic logging is turned on.

Log file Description Location
AppServerDebug_<pid>.log The Application Server debug log contains detailed request and response notes, error and warning conditions, and other activities that occur within the Application Server. The <pid> value in the log file name represents a unique identifier. When a debug file reaches its maximum size limit, the old file is renamed to AppServerDebug_<pid>_0.log, and a new file is generated with the original name. Windows: <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\AppServer\log
UNIX and Linux: $AIMSHOME/Middleware/Application_Server/log
Tasker_<pid>.log The Tasker debug log contains a log of the number of files deleted each time Tasker cleans files and directories. Windows: <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\AppServer\Tasker\log
UNIX and Linux: $AIMSHOME/Middleware/Tasker/log
MonitorDebug_<pid>.log The Monitor debug log contains a summary of communications between the Monitor and the Application Server. Windows: <ArcGIS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\Server\Monitor\log
UNIX and Linux: $AIMSHOME/Monitor/log


<pid> is the process ID for the Application Server, Monitor, or Tasker.

Over time, you may see many log files in their directories. Each time you restart ArcIMS, a new set of log files is generated. New log files are also generated during Spatial Server recycling or when a Spatial Server process is restarted for some reason.

Spatial Server log file naming conventions

When you look in the directories with Spatial Server log files, you will likely see many files. A new set of log files is created each time recycling occurs. The naming convention of the log files are as follows.

Administrative log files

The first set of files in your log file directory capture administrative information about the Spatial Server, such as initialization messages and 3rd-party messages.

Log file Description
<Server machine>_<Server ID number>_Container_<pid>.log Contains information about threads used by the ArcIMS Spatial Server process, including when initialization is completed for each server (Image, Query, Extract, Feature, Geocode, and Metadata).
<Server machine>_<Server ID number>_stderr_<pid>.log Contains error messages from third party applications used by the ArcIMS Spatial Server. This log rarely has entries.
<Server machine>_<Server ID number>_stdout_<pid>.log Contains informational messages from third party applications used by the ArcIMS Spatial Server. This log rarely has entries.


<Server machine> is the name of the machine the Spatial Server is running on.
<Server ID number> is a unique sequential number starting at 1.
<pid> is the process ID for the Spatial Server. This number is used throughout the log files for referencing the Spatial Server.

Component log files

In addition to the administrative log files, you will see one log file for each Spatial Server component. These files can be moved to a central machine if you have Spatial Servers running on several machines.

Log file Description
<Server machine>_<Server ID number>_ImageServer_<pid>.log Contains a detailed description of Image Services used by ArcIMS. This description includes thread initialization information, configuration file content, GET_IMAGE and GET_RASTER_INFO requests, responses, and response times.
<Server machine>_<Server ID number>_QueryServer_<pid>.log Contains information on thread initialization information, configuration file content, GET_FEATURES and GET_PROJECT requests, and response times. This log file is used with Image Services.
<Server machine>_<Server ID number>_FeatureServer_<pid>.log Contains information on thread initialization information, configuration file content, GET_FEATURES requests, and response times. This log file is used with Feature Services.
<Server machine>_<Server ID number>_GeocodeServer_<pid>.log Contains information on requests, the location of geocode styles, the match key name, the location to be matched, and time to perform the match. This log file is used with Image and Feature Services.
<Server machine>_<Server ID number>_ExtractServer_<pid>.log Contains information on thread initialization, configuration file content, GET_FEATURES requests, and response times. This log file is used with Image Services.
<Server machine>_<Server ID number>_MetadataServer_<pid>.log Contains a detailed description of Metadata Services used by ArcIMS. This description includes thread initialization information, metadata requests, responses, and response times.

When you look in your Spatial Server log file directory, you will see a list of files similar to the following if you have one Spatial Server running. The Metadata service log file will only be present if you have started a Metadata Service. In this example, the machine name is "ESRI", the Spatial Server ID is "1", and the process ID for the Spatial Server is "1234".


When you add additional Spatial Servers, a new set of log files is added for each Spatial Server. The log files can be identified by the machine name, unique Server ID, and process ID.

Search code: @log_name