Used in

Application Server Administration  

Parent elements



     No Attributes

     (m)<VSERVER... />

(m):  Child element can be used multiple times.


Main element for administering ArcIMS Virtual Servers (VSERVERS) from the command line. 

Examples for VSERVERS

Example 1: When adding a new Virtual Server.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ADMINCMD version="1.0">
<!--Add two new Spatial Servers-->
      <PSERVER type="add" machine="mymachine"/>
      <PSERVER type="add" machine="mymachine"/>
<!--Create a new Image Server-->
      <VSERVER type="add" name="ImageServer2" access="Public" description="ImageServer Example" servicetype="ImageServer" version="" >
            <!--Associate the new Spatial Servers to the new Image Server-->
            <PSERVER id="mymachine_4" threads="2"/>
            <PSERVER id="mymachine_5" threads="2"/>

<!--Add and start an Image Service-->


<SERVICE type="add" name="world_image" axl="c:\arcims\axl\myworldservice.axl" vsname="ImageServer2" imgloc="c:\arcims\output" imgurl="http://mymachine.domain.com/output" imagememory="4" cleanup="20" imgtype="GIF" />
<SERVICE type="start" name="world_image" />


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