Used in

Application Server Administration  

Parent elements



<PSERVERAttribute Description Table

     When parent element is PSERVERS and adding a Spatial Server:

     When parent element is PSERVERS and deleting a Spatial Server:

     When parent element is VSERVER and associating the Spatial Server to a Virtual Server:

     No Child Elements
(r): Attribute or child element is required.


Allows adding, removing, and setting the number of instances for an ArcIMS Spatial Server using the command line.


Attribute Descriptions for PSERVER

When parent element is PSERVERS and adding a Spatial Server:
machineMachine name where Spatial Server resides. Include the domain ( if applicable.
typeUse "add" to specify adding a Spatial Server.

When parent element is PSERVERS and deleting a Spatial Server:
idSpatial Server name to remove such as mymachine.domain.com_5.
machineMachine name where Spatial Server resides. Include the domain ( if applicable.
typeUse "remove" to specify removing a Spatial Server.

When parent element is VSERVER and associating the Spatial Server to a Virtual Server:
idSpatial Server name to add to a Virtual Server such as mymachine.domain.com_5.
threadsNumber of instances (or threads) to assign to the Spatial Server.
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Examples for PSERVER

Example 1: When adding a new Spatial Server (PSERVER) or to associate one or more Spatial Servers with a Virtual Server (VSERVER)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ADMINCMD version="1.0">
<!--Add two new Spatial Servers-->
      <PSERVER type="add" machine="mymachine"/>
      <PSERVER type="add" machine="mymachine"/>
<!--Create a new Image Server-->
      <VSERVER type="add" name="ImageServer2" access="Public" description="ImageServer Example" servicetype="ImageServer" version="" >
            <!--Associate the new Spatial Servers to the new Image Server-->
            <PSERVER id="mymachine_4" threads="2"/>
            <PSERVER id="mymachine_5" threads="2"/>

<!--Add and start an Image Service-->


<SERVICE type="add" name="world_image" axl="c:\arcims\axl\myworldservice.axl" vsname="ImageServer2" imgloc="c:\arcims\output" imgurl="" imagememory="4" cleanup="20" imgtype="GIF" />
<SERVICE type="start" name="world_image" />


Example 2: When removing a Spatial Server.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ADMINCMD version="1.0">
    <VSERVER type="remove" name="ImageServer2"/>

    <PSERVER type="remove" machine="" id="mymachine.domain.com_4"/>
    <PSERVER type="remove" machine="" id="mymachine.domain.com_5"/>

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