ArcXML Programmer's Reference Guide for ArcIMS 10

Used in



Image  Query  Feature  Extract  Geocode  

Parent elements



<GET_SERVICE_INFOAttribute Description Table
     acetateinfo="true | false" [false]
     dpi="1 - NNN"
     envelope="true | false" [true]
     extensions="true | false" [true]
     fields="true | false" [true]
     relativescale="true | false" [false]
     renderer="true | false" [true]

     No Child Elements


Requests information about each layer in an ArcIMS service. With Image and Feature Services, the request has options for returning information on the fields, envelope, extensions, and renderers.



Attribute Descriptions for GET_SERVICE_INFO

acetateinfoToggle to include all symbol information and geometry from an acetate layer. Valid with Image Services only.
dpiDots per inch (dpi). Used for calculating the correct scale thresholds for scale dependent elements such as SCALEDEPENDENTRENDERER, LAYER, and OBJECT. The dpi value used in request overrides the value used in a service.
envelopeToggle to get information on the envelope for featureclass layers in a service. Featureclass layers include shapefile and ArcSDE layers.
extensionsToggle to get information on any service extensions in featureclass layers.
fieldsToggle to get information on available fields for each featureclass layer in a service.
relativescaleWhen set to "true", the scale values in LAYER and SCALEDEPENDENTRENDERER are returned as relative scales in the SERVICEINFO response.

Notes in the SERVICEINFO response:
  • The scale values returned in LAYERINFO are not rounded when the map is in decimal degrees.
  • The scale values returned for SCALEDEPENDENTRENDERER are not rounded for all map units.
  • Known limit: when the map configuration file contains scale in map units per pixel and the map units are not decimal degress, then relative scale values are incorrectly returned in LAYERINFO. In this case, relativescale should be set to "false".

When set to "false", scale values are returned in map units per pixel.
rendererToggle to get renderer information for featureclass layers in a service.
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Example 1: When using Image or Feature Services.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
    <GET_SERVICE_INFO fields="false" envelope="false" renderer="false" extensions="true" acetateinfo="false" />

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