ArcXML Programmer's Reference Guide for ArcIMS 10

Used in




Parent elements



<GET_IMAGEAttribute Description Table
     autoresize="true | false" [false]
     returnscale="true | false" [false]
     show="layers | strict | layers strict"
     useservicedatum="true | false" [false]

     (r)<PROPERTIES... />
     <ENVIRONMENT... />
     (m)<LAYER... />
     <WORKSPACES... /> [Image Server only]

(r): Attribute or child element is required.
(m):  Child element can be used multiple times.


Sends a request to generate a map image.



Attribute Descriptions for GET_IMAGE

autoresizeThe maximum generated image size is based on the image memory limit set when an ArcIMS service is started. For example, an image memory limit of 1 MB allows a map no larger than 262,144 pixels (512 x 512) to be generated. If autoresize is set to "true", a requested map greater than the maximum pixel count will be reduced in size to within the maximum pixel count. If autoresize is set to "false", no image is generated and an error message is returned by the ArcIMS Spatial Server.
showThe attribute show has two values: "layers" and "strict". One or both values are valid in a request. Use a space as a delimiter if both values are used: "layers strict" or "strict layers".
  • When "layers" is used, the layer ID, name, and number of features in the map are returned in the response.
  • When "strict" is used, the list of all layers included in LAYERSLIST must be valid. If a layer ID is invalid, an error message is returned. Acetate and dynamic layers included in the list must also have a valid ID.
  • When "layers strict" or "strict layers" is used, "strict" takes precendence and is checked first before "layers".
useservicedatumMany users include a datum transformation when using FEATURECOORDSYS and FILTERCOORDSYS in a map configuration file. When useservicedatum is "true", the datum transformation of the service is used if FEATURECOORDSYS and FILTERCOORDSYS in the request are the same as in the map configuration file, even if datumtransformid or datumtransformstring is not included in the request. This behavior is important for users of the WMS Connector, since the specifications for this connector does not provide a way to include datum transformations in requests. If FEATURECOORDSYS and FILTERCOORDSYS in the request are different than in the map configuration file, and no datum transformation information is included in the request, no datum transformation is made.
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Examples for GET_IMAGE

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
        <LAYERDEF id="1">
            <SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL width="16" color="0,0,0" />
            <SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection">      
            <ENVELOPE maxy="60" maxx="60" miny="0" minx="0" />
      <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" />

Example 2: Example using projections, queries, selected features, and acetate layers. The IMAGE response includes layer information since the attribute "show" is used.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ARCXML version="1.1">
    <GET_IMAGE show="layers">
        <ENVELOPE minx="-180.0" miny="-90.0" maxx="180.0" maxy="90.0" />
        <IMAGESIZE width="800" height="600" />
        <FEATURECOORDSYS id="54030"  />
        <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" />
          <LAYERDEF id="0" visible="true" />
          <LAYERDEF id="1" visible="true" />
          <LAYERDEF id="2" visible="false" />
          <LAYERDEF id="3" visible="false" />
          <LAYERDEF id="4" visible="true" >
            <SPATIALQUERY where="POPULATION &gt; 2000000" >
              <SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection">
                <ENVELOPE minx="-14.0" miny="35.0" maxx="33.0" maxy="64.0" />
              <SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL type="star" color="0,155,0" width="12.0" />

      <LAYER type="featureclass" name="new_CNTRY94" id="333" >      
        <DATASET fromlayer="1" />
        <SPATIALQUERY where="NAME=&apos;Brazil&apos;" />  
            <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL filltype="solid" fillcolor="255,0,0" />

      <LAYER type="acetate" name="WorldText" id="444" >
        <OBJECT units="pixel">
          <TEXT coords="100 44" label="The World">
            <TEXTMARKERSYMBOL fontstyle="bold" fontsize="32" font="Arial" fontcolor="0,0,0" glowing="255,255,0" />

      <LAYER type="acetate" name="WorldBox" id="3333">
        <OBJECT units="pixel">
          <LINE coords="10 40;400 40;400 80;10 80;10 40">
          <SIMPLELINESYMBOL color="0,0,0" />

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