<ENVELOPE | Attribute Description Table |
When parent element is ALL except PROPERTIES and SEARCH_METADATA: (r)maxx="double" (r)maxy="double" (r)minx="double" (r)miny="double" When parent element is PROPERTIES: (r)maxx="double" (r)maxy="double" (r)minx="double" (r)miny="double" name="Initial_Extent | Extent_Limit" [Initial_Extent] reaspect="true | false" [true] When parent element is SEARCH_METADATA: (r)maxx="double" (r)maxy="double" (r)minx="double" (r)miny="double" spatialoperator="within | overlaps | overlaps2 | fuzzywithin | fuzzyequals" [fuzzywithin] > No Child Elements </ENVELOPE > | |
(r): Attribute or child element is required. |
Attribute | Usage |
maxx | Right top x-coordinate. Units are in map units. |
maxy | Right top y-coordinate. Units are in map units. |
minx | Left bottom x-coordinate. Units are in map units. |
miny | Left bottom y-coordinate. Units are in map units. |
Attribute | Usage |
maxx | Right top x-coordinate in map units. |
maxy | Right top y-coordinate in map units. |
minx | Left bottom x-coordinate in map units. |
miny | Left bottom y-coordinate in map units. |
name | Identifies the type of envelope extent in a viewer or map configuration file. "Initial_Extent" is the full extent drawn when a file is first accessed. "Extent_Limit" is the maximum extent allowable when zooming out. The extent limit must be handled by the client. When processing a request, the Spatial Server ignores an ENVELOPE that includes "Extent_Limit". When an extent limit is used in a viewer configuration file, usually default.axl, two ENVELOPE elements may be present. The two ENVELOPE extents do not need to be the same. <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-166" miny="3" maxx="-26" maxy="80" name="Extent_Limit"/> <ENVELOPE minx="-128.1" miny="18.7" maxx="-53.7" maxy="51.3" name="Initial_Extent"/> <PROPERTIES> When an extent limit is included in a viewer configuration file (such as default.axl) and an ArcIMS Java Viewer is used, the area outside of the extent limit is not displayed. When an extent limit is used in a map configuration file, the ENVELOPE with "Extent_Limit" is included in the SERVICEINFO response. The extent limit is listed for informational purposes only since the Spatial Server ignores this value during a request. Instead, the clients must account for the extent limit. For example, the ArcIMS HTML Viewer uses an extent limit, and the viewer calculates this limit, not the Spatial Server. A service displayed in ArcExplorer-Java Edition has no extent limit, and a user can zoom out at will. More information on using "Extent_Limit" can be found in Using Map and Viewer Configuration Files. |
reaspect | Flag indicating whether the ENVELOPE should be stretched to fit the viewing area in the client. By default, the pixel width and height ratio stays the same. By setting reaspect to false, the pixel width and height are stretched. Valid only with Image Services. |
Attribute | Usage |
maxx | Right top x-coordinate in map units. |
maxy | Right top y-coordinate in map units. |
minx | Left bottom x-coordinate in map units. |
miny | Left bottom y-coordinate in map units. |
spatialoperator | The restrictions on the envelope.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <CONFIG> <ENVIRONMENT> <LOCALE country="US" language="en" variant="" /> <UIFONT color="0,0,0" name="Arial" size="12" style="regular" /> <SCREEN dpi="96" /> </ENVIRONMENT> <MAP> <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-178.2" miny="18.9" maxx="-66.9" maxy="71.4" name="Initial_Extent" /> <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" /> <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326" /> <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/> </PROPERTIES> <WORKSPACES> <SHAPEWORKSPACE name="shp_ws-0" directory="<path to USA ESRIDATA>" /> </WORKSPACES> <LAYER type="featureclass" name="STATES" visible="true" id="0"> <DATASET name="STATES" type="polygon" workspace="shp_ws-0" /> <SIMPLERENDERER> <SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL fillcolor="255,255,153" filltype="solid" /> </SIMPLERENDERER> </LAYER> </MAP> </CONFIG> </ARCXML> |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <REQUEST> <GET_IMAGE> <PROPERTIES> <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" /> <LAYERLIST> <LAYERDEF id="Cities"> <SIMPLERENDERER> <SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL width="16" color="0,0,0" /> </SIMPLERENDERER> <SPATIALQUERY> <SPATIALFILTER relation="area_intersection"> <ENVELOPE maxy="60" maxx="60" miny="0" minx="0" /> </SPATIALFILTER> </SPATIALQUERY> </LAYERDEF> </LAYERLIST> </PROPERTIES> </GET_IMAGE> </REQUEST> </ARCXML> |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <RESPONSE> <SERVICEINFO> <ENVIRONMENT> <LOCALE language="en" country="US" /> <UIFONT name="Arial" color="0,0,0" size="12" style="regular" /> <SEPARATORS cs=" " ts=";"/> <CAPABILITIES forbidden="" disabledtypes=""/> <SCREEN dpi="96"/> <IMAGELIMIT pixelcount="1048576" /> </ENVIRONMENT> <PROPERTIES> <FEATURECOORDSYS id="4326"/> <FILTERCOORDSYS id="4326"/> <ENVELOPE minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180" maxy="90" name="Initial_Extent" /> <MAPUNITS units="decimal_degrees" /> </PROPERTIES> <LAYERINFO type="featureclass" visible="true" name="Cities" id="0"> <FCLASS type="point"> <ENVELOPE minx="-165.270004272461" miny="-53.1500015258789" maxx="177.130187988281" maxy="78.1999969482422" /> </FCLASS> </LAYERINFO> </SERVICEINFO> </RESPONSE> </ARCXML> |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ARCXML version="1.1"> <REQUEST> <GET_METADATA> <SEARCH_METADATA operator="and"> <ENVELOPE minx="-176.98" miny="18.93" maxx="-66.97" maxy="71.35" spatialoperator="within" /> <TAGVALUE tag="metadata/dataqual/lineage/srcinfo/srccite/citeinfo/pubdate" greaterthan="1990" /> <FULLTEXT word="cities"/> <SEARCH_METADATA operator="or"> <TAGTEXT tag="metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/geoform" word="data"/> <TAGTEXT tag="metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/geoform" word="digital"/> </SEARCH_METADATA> </SEARCH_METADATA> </GET_METADATA> </REQUEST> </ARCXML> |