Installing ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework silently

ArcGIS Server 10 - GIS Services and ArcGIS Server 10 - Web Applications can be installed without a user interface by running the setups using the Windows Installer command line parameters.


Installation location command line parameters

The following are the command line parameters to be used when executing the ArcGIS Server MSIs directly. Use these with the MSI direct commands to change the installation location of ArcGIS Server or the installation location of Python.

  • INSTALLDIR=<installation location for ArcGIS Server>

    This property allows you to specify the installation location of ArcGIS Server from the command line. If you do not set this property, the default installation location of C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\ is used.

  • INSTALLDIR1=<installation location for Python>

    This property allows you to specify the installation location of Python from the command line. If you do not set this property, the default installation location of C:\Python26 is used.

How to perform a typical installation of ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework silently

Run this command from the command line:

msiexec /i <setup location>\setup.msi /qb

Additional command line parameters are available:

InstallDir=<installation directory if you do not want to use the default of C:\Program Files\Arcgis\Server10.0 >

For example:

GIS Services

msiexec /i \\machinename\Server_dotnet_GIS_Services\setup.msi /qb InstallDir=C:\ArcGIS_Server

Web Applications

msiexec /i \\machinename\Server_dotnet_Web_Applications\setup.msi /qb

How to perform a complete installation of ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework silently

Run this command from the command line:

msiexec /i <setup location>\setup.msi /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL

Additional command line parameters are available:

InstallDir=<installation directory if you do not want to use the default of C:\Program Files\Arcgis\Server10.0>

For example:

GIS Services

msiexec /i \\machinename\Server_dotnet_GIS_Services\setup.msi /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL InstallDir=C:\ArcGIS_Server

Web Applications

msiexec /i \\machinename\Server_dotnet_Web_Applications\setup.msi /qb ADDLOCAL=ALL

How to perform a custom installation of ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework silently

Run this command from the command line:

GIS Services or Web Applications

msiexec /i <setup location>\setup.msi /qb ADDLOCAL=<feature1>,<feature2>,....

Specify installation features:

ADDLOCAL feature

Installation feature


ArcGIS Server 10 - GIS Services features


Server Object Container

The Server Object Container (SOC) can be installed on one or more Windows machines. These container machines host the server objects that are managed by the SOM.


Server Object Manager

The Server Object Manager (SOM) is a Windows service running on a single machine. The SOM manages the set of server objects that are distributed across one or more container machines.



This feature will install Python for some geoprocessing tools.


Services Manager

The Services Manager feature adds the ability to create and manage GIS Services and the GIS Server.


Web Services (SOAP, REST)

The Web Services feature adds the ability to host and access GIS Services through SOAP and REST.

ArcGIS Server 10 - Web Applications


Applications Manager

Applications Manager allows you to create Web Mapping Applications.


Web Applications Developer Framework

The Web ADF facilitates the development of Web applications. It includes Web Controls, templates, samples and documentation.


Software Developer Kit

These components assist a developer in creating applications with the Web Application Developer Framework.


Visual Studio

This feature integrates Web Controls, templates and developer help with Visual Studio 2008.


Visual Web Developer Express

This feature integrates Web Controls, a Web Mapping Application template and developer help with Visual Web Developer Express.


Visual Studio

This feature integrates Web Controls, templates and developer help with Visual Studio 2010.


Visual Web Developer Express

This feature integrates Web Controls, a Web Mapping Application template and developer help with Visual Web Developer Express.


ArcGIS Applications and APIs Shortcuts

ArcGIS Applications and APIs Shortcuts provide access to the online resources and SDKs for building and developing applications that display and use GIS services.

Additional command line parameters available:

InstallDir=<installation directory if you do not want to use the default of C:\Program Files\Arcgis\Server10.0>

For example:

msiexec /i \\machinename\server_dotnet_GIS_Services\setup.msi /qb ADDLOCAL=Server_object_manager,Server_object_container InstallDir=C:\ArcGIS_Server

  • All relevant files will also be installed with the specified feature.
  • Names of features are case sensitive.

Command line properties for configuring Services Manager, Web Services, and Applications Manager

The following are command line properties used for configuring the IIS dependent features: Services Manager and Web Services in the GIS Services setup and Applications Manager in the Web Applications setup. IIS is required to install these features.

  • INSTANCE=<name of ArcGIS Server instance>

This command line parameter is optional. By default, the INSTANCE property is set to ArcGIS. If you do not invoke the INSTANCE parameter in your command line, the instance will be created as ArcGIS. The parameter INSTANCE is case sensitive. The instance name cannot contain spaces.

  • WEBSITE_ID=<numeric value of Web site>

The WEBSITE_ID parameter is used to determine the Web site where the ArcGIS Server instance will be created. The value for WEBSITE_ID is a number specific to each Web site on your server and assigned by IIS. The IDs for the Web sites on your server can be found in IIS Manager. The Default Web Site has a Web site ID of 1. This command line parameter is optional. By default, the WEBSITE_ID parameter is set to the Default Web Site (even if multiple Web sites exist). The parameter WEBSITE_ID is case sensitive.

For example:

GIS Services

msiexec /i \\machinename\server_dotnet_GIS_Services\setup.msi /qb InstallDir=C:\ArcGIS_Server INSTANCE=ArcGIS_External WEBSITE_ID=4059640

Web Applications with GIS Services already installed (see note below)

msiexec /i \\machinename\server_dotnet_Web_Applications\setup.msi /qb

Web Applications without GIS Services installed

msiexec /i \\machinename\server_dotnet_Web_Applications\setup.msi /qb InstallDir=C:\ArcGIS_Server INSTANCE=ArcGIS_External WEBSITE_ID=4059640

If you are installing GIS Services and Web Applications, the first setup installed will determine the instance configuration of the second setup. For example, if the GIS Services instance is configured with an instance name of ArcGIS and created on the Default Web Site, the Web Applications instance will be automatically created under the instance created by the GIS Services setup (instance ArcGIS on the Default Web Site). This behavior is the same if Web Applications is installed first, then GIS Services.

How to uninstall ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework silently

Run these commands from the command line:

GIS Services

msiexec /x {3483C2D0-C8D6-42EE-AB33-690C9A66719E} /qb

Web Applications

msiexec /x {33B10241-ECBC-4E6F-9121-3D3691A629AD} /qb

Published 6/24/2010