What's in the EGDB AMI?

The enterprise geodatabase (EGDB) Amazon Machine Image (AMI) can be used to launch an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance that has the following programs and configurations:

Operating system

The operating system for the EGDB AMI is Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Datacenter edition (x64).

Attached storage

A 100 GB Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume is attached to your EGDB EC2 instance. It is mounted on the D: drive. This volume contains a directory—pgdata—that stores the PostgreSQL database files, tablespace folders, log files, and configuration files.

You should store all your data on an EBS volume rather than directly on your EC2 instance. This makes your data more portable and secure—you can create snapshots to back up the data, create volumes from the snapshots to move the volume to a new EC2 instance, and preserve your data even if your EC2 instance is terminated.


If you terminate your EC2 instance, the attached EBS volume is not terminated and will continue to accrue charges until you explicitly delete it. You can view and delete the volume using the Volumes page of the AWS Management Console. Alternatively, you can keep the volume and attach it to another instance.

Installed programs

The EGDB AMI includes the following software:

The PostgreSQL database cluster

The PostgreSQL software is installed on the C: drive, but the data for this database cluster is located on a separate EBS volume on the D: drive in a directory named pgdata. You should store all your data on the EBS volume, not on the C: drive.

The database cluster contains a database, sdegdb, which stores the geodatabase. The geodatabase contains sample data: a raster dataset, earthatnight, and a feature dataset, world. This data is stored in the schema of the editor login but can also be accessed by the other default login roles. Primarily, this data is provided to help you determine if your initial connections to the EGDB from ArcGIS Desktop on your ArcGIS Server EC2 instance are working.

The four default login roles and their matching passwords and descriptions are as follows:

Login role

Default password*

Role description



Data viewer; has permission to connect to the database cluster



Data loader and editor; has permission to create objects in the database cluster



The EGDB administrator and super user in the PostgreSQL database cluster



The PostgreSQL database cluster administrator and super user


*As stated previously, for security reasons, passwords should be changed in the database before ArcGIS Server connections are created. See Changing passwords for the default logins for instructions.

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