Limitations of ArcGIS Server on Amazon EC2

Most functionality of ArcGIS Server is available on Amazon EC2; however, this topic lists some features and configurations that are not supported.

ArcGIS Server component limitations

The traditional ArcGIS Server strategy of adding multiple SOC machines to a SOM machine is not supported for ArcGIS Server on Amazon EC2. Instead, you add multiple EC2 instances containing the SOM, SOC, and Web server to the Elastic Load Balancer. This type of scaling requires identical data and service configurations on each EC2 instance, but this occurs naturally if you use the same AMI for any EC2 instances you add.

Limitations related to the use of the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

The use of Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) for scaling in the Amazon cloud constrains a few specific features of ArcGIS Server. ELBs are configured by default so that incoming requests are brokered across any of your ArcGIS Server EC2 instances participating in the cluster. That is, there is no guarantee that requests from a particular client (Web browser user session, Desktop client, or mobile application) will be handled by a particular EC2 instance. This limits the use of stateful Web applications and services.

The following functions or configurations are not supported using ArcGIS Server on Amazon EC2, primarily because they cannot be scaled through the ELB.

Amazon-imposed limitations

Amazon enforces some limitations on the number and sizes of certain resources you can create. A few of these limits include:

For the most up-to-date and official information about Amazon limitations, see the AWS Documentation.
