Example: Discovering domain usage using SQL
Relationship queries discussed how to use the GDB_ItemRelationships table to discover which tables and feature classes are using a particular domain for validation. It is possible to find more detailed information, however, such as to which field the domain is applied and which subtypes use it (if subtypes exist). The following steps outline one approach to finding this information:
- Insert the names and definitions of all items with relationships to a specified domain into a temporary record set.
- Extract the names of the fields for all items where the domain is used at the class level (/*/GPFieldInfoExs/GPFieldInfoEx/DomainName).
- Extract the names of the fields and subtypes for all items where the domain is used at the subtype level (/*/Subtypes/Subtype/FieldInfos/SubtypeFieldInfo/DomainName).
- Union these two result sets.
The following example queries a geodatabase in SQL Server for a domain named Material.
--Queries an sde-schema geodatabase in SQL Server DECLARE @DOMAIN_NAME NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @DOMAIN_NAME = 'Material'; DECLARE @CLASS_DEFS TABLE ( Name nvarchar(max), Definition XML ) --Insert records to temporary record set INSERT INTO @CLASS_DEFS SELECT sde.gdb_items.Name, sde.gdb_items.Definition FROM -- Get the domain item's UUID. ((SELECT GDB_ITEMS.UUID AS UUID FROM sde.gdb_items INNER JOIN sde.gdb_itemtypes ON sde.gdb_items.Type = sde.gdb_itemtypes.UUID WHERE sde.gdb_items.Name = @DOMAIN_NAME AND sde.gdb_itemtypes.Name IN ('Coded Value Domain','Range Domain')) AS Domain -- Find the relationships with the domain as the DestinationID. INNER JOIN sde.gdb_itemrelationships ON Domain.UUID = sde.gdb_itemrelationships.DestID) -- Find the names of the origin items in the relationships. INNER JOIN sde.gdb_items ON Domain.UUID = sde.gdb_itemrelationships.DestID -- Extract the field definitions. SELECT ClassDefs.Name AS "Class Name", fieldDef.value('Name[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS "Field Name", NULL AS "Subtype Name" FROM @CLASS_DEFS AS ClassDefs CROSS APPLY Definition.nodes('/*/GPFieldInfoExs/GPFieldInfoEx') AS FieldDefs(fieldDef) WHERE fieldDef.value('DomainName[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') = @DOMAIN_NAME UNION SELECT ClassDefs.Name AS "Class Name", fieldDef.value('FieldName[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS "Field Name", fieldDef.value('(../../SubtypeName)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS "Subtype Name" FROM @CLASS_DEFS AS ClassDefs CROSS APPLY Definition.nodes('/*/Subtypes/Subtype/FieldInfos/SubtypeFieldInfo') AS FieldDefs(fieldDef) WHERE fieldDef.value('DomainName[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') = @DOMAIN_NAME
This example queries a geodatabase in Oracle for a domain named AncillaryRoleDomain:
--Queries a geodatabase in Oracle CREAT TABLE CLASS_DEFS ( name varchar2(32), definition XMLType ); --Insert records to temporary record set INSERT INTO CLASS_DEFS SELECT sde.gdb_items_vw.Name, XMLType(sde.gdb_items_vw.Definition) FROM( ( -- Get the domain item's UUID. SELECT GDB_ITEMS_VW.UUID AS UUID FROM sde.gdb_items_vw INNER JOIN sde.gdb_itemtypes ON sde.gdb_items_vw.Type = sde.gdb_itemtypes.UUID WHERE sde.gdb_items_vw.Name = 'AncillaryRoleDomain' AND sde.gdb_itemtypes.Name IN ('Coded Value Domain','Range Domain') ) Domain -- Find the relationships with the domain as the DestinationID. INNER JOIN sde.gdb_itemrelationships ON Domain.UUID = sde.gdb_itemrelationships.DestID ) -- Find the names of the origin items in the relationships. INNER JOIN sde.gdb_items_vw ON sde.gdb_items_vw.UUID = sde.gdb_itemrelationships.OriginID; -- Extract the field definitions. SELECT CLASS_DEFS.Name AS "Class Name", EXTRACTVALUE(fields.Column_Value, '/GPFieldInfoEx/Name') AS "Field Name", null AS "Subtype Name" FROM CLASS_DEFS, TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(Extract(CLASS_DEFS.definition, '/*/GPFieldInfoExs/GPFieldInfoEx'))) fields UNION SELECT table_name AS "Class Name", EXTRACTVALUE(subtypes_fields.Column_value, '/SubtypeFieldInfo/FieldName') as column_name, subtype_name AS "Subtype Name" FROM ( SELECT CLASS_DEFS.Name AS table_name, subtypes.COLUMN_VALUE XMLVal, EXTRACTVALUE(subtypes.COLUMN_VALUE, '/Subtype/SubtypeName') AS subtype_name, EXTRACTVALUE(subtypes.COLUMN_VALUE, '/Subtype/SubtypeCode') AS subtype_value FROM CLASS_DEFS, TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(Extract(CLASS_DEFS.definition, '/DEFeatureClassInfo/Subtypes/Subtype'))) subtypes ) subtypes_fields, TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(subtypes_fields.XMLVal.Extract('/Subtype/FieldInfos/SubtypeFieldInfo'))) subtypes_fields; DROP TABLE CLASS_DEFS;