Geoprocessing task execution and results

When you open a Geoprocessing task, you see a dialog box that allows specification of the model parameters. For example, if the underlying model requires a line feature class as input, the dialog box will include tools for drawing lines. Once you've specified all the parameters, you can then invoke the model by clicking a button on the task. As the job runs, you can see any messages from the task on the Results panel. When the task has completed, the results will appear on the map.


If you are using ArcGIS Server 9.2 geoprocessing services, the results will only appear if one of the following conditions is met:

  • The output record set has the same spatial reference as the map.
  • The task has at least one feature input parameter, and the Environment Setting for Output Coordinate System is set to Same as Input on the published toolbox.

Geoprocessing services have a property that determines whether they run synchronously or asynchronously. Use synchronous services to run short jobs for which the user expects to view the results right away. Use asynchronous services for longer tasks, especially those that might exceed the default Connection Timeout of two minutes in IIS.

If the service is configured to run asynchronously, you have the option to view the task results even after you exit the Web application. If the task has not finished executing before you close the browser, and if you have cookies enabled, the results will be retrieved automatically the next time you visit the Web application. If you don't have cookies enabled, you can click the Save link on the results node to save the result information to a file. You can use this file to check task results in a later session.

The Save link is only available if the Geoprocessing task has a virtual directory denoted (see Step 4 above). This virtual directory must have Read and Write access as well as Scripts only execute permissions enabled. If the service is configured to run synchronously, no Save link appears, and you must keep the session alive to view the results when they become available.

The results of a Geoprocessing task can be drawn either on the server or by the Web ADF. If the result is drawn by the Web ADF, you will be able to zoom and pan to the results and see the results listed as individual features. By default, the results will be drawn by the Web ADF unless the geoprocessing service that you used to configure the task has an associated map service, in which case the results will be drawn on the server. You can change this behavior in Visual Studio by setting the task's DrawResultsOnMapServer property to False.

Further help with the geoprocessing task

The ArcGIS Server Help topic Tutorial: Publishing a geoprocessing service includes steps for configuring the Geoprocessing task and working with it in a Web application. The tutorial starts with building a model in ArcGIS Desktop, then works through the process of publishing the model as a geoprocessing service and configuring the Geoprocessing task so that the model can be run within a Web application.

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