The postgresql.conf file
The postgresql.conf file is used to set various parameters that affect the database cluster, such as how and through which port connections are made to PostgreSQL, how resources are used, how and where error logs are created, and the frequency and type of vacuuming performed on the databases.
You must set the listen_addresses parameter to indicate on what IP addresses PostgreSQL should listen for client applications. You can enter a comma-separated list of host names or IP addresses. Or, you can set this parameter to an asterisk (*). Doing so allows the server to listen on all available IP addresses.
If your database cluster is on a Linux server, you must set this parameter manually. If your database cluster is on a Windows server, this parameter was likely set by the PostgreSQL installation wizard. You can alter the setting manually if you need to, though.
For additional information on setting postgresql.conf parameters, see the PostgreSQL documentation set.