Creating and starting an ArcSDE service for geodatabases in Oracle on Windows

The last step in the ArcSDE for Oracle Post Installation wizard is optional. It adds an entry for the service in the Windows services and ArcSDE services.sde files using the information you provide in the wizard. Then it creates an ArcSDE service, adds it to the Windows registry, and starts the service.

The ArcSDE service information dialog box of the Post Installation wizard can be accessed by doing either a complete or custom postinstallation setup.

  1. Navigate to the ArcSDE service information dialog box of the Post Installation wizard.

    The Post Installation wizard automatically opens at the end of the ArcSDE component installation wizard. It can be accessed at a later time by clicking Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > ArcSDE > ArcSDE Post Installation for Oracle.

  2. Type a unique name for the service in the Service text box.
  3. Type a unique TCP/IP port number followed by /tcp in the Service text box.


  4. Type the password of the sde user in the SDE Password text box.
  5. Type the Oracle service ID in the Oracle SID text box.
  6. In the Server name text box, type the name of the server on which the database resides.
  7. Click Next.
  8. When prompted, click OK to start the service.

    If, instead, a dialog box appears asking for a different service name or port number, it means you typed a service name or port number that is already in the services files. Type a unique name and port number to continue.

    If the service name and port number are in the services files erroneously, you can manually remove them. However, if the service still exists but is not in use, you must delete the service then remove the entries from the services files. Then you can reuse the service name and port number.

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