Configuring the Collect Features Task

Using the Collect Features task Collect Features, the field-worker can choose from a dictionary of feature types that are based on the map layers that you have chosen to be editable in the project. The Collect Features task displays a list of feature types to choose from and then guides field-workers through the process of collecting both the shape and attributes for their new feature.


For a feature layer to be editable, it must be stored inside a geodatabase (personal or multiuser ArcSDE geodatabase) and must also contain a GlobalID field. You can choose the transaction model that best suits your workflow. Note that versioning information set for the layer in the ArcMap .mxd document will be used by the Synchronize task in the application. Note that your data does not need to versioned to edit it.

Feature Types

When defining a map, you can configure the feature layers of a mobile service so that they can be used by different tasks in the application. The Collect Features task derives feature types from feature layers in the map service or mobile cache that are marked as editable. A feature type equates to an item in the legend of the renderer that is chosen to display a feature layer in ArcMap. For example, if you choose a unique value renderer to display the types of valves in a water valve layer, each symbol and text associated with the legend item (each valve type) appears as a feature type in the Collect Features task.

Feature types are derived from one of two types of renderers used in ArcMap to display features contained within a layer:

Layers that display features using a simple renderer contain a single feature type. Attribute fields for the feature type may contain default values that are assigned to a new feature that is created. These field values are presented in the attribute form.

Feature types are most commonly derived from layers rendered by unique values. Each unique value is based on one or more field values. Each unique value is considered a feature type in the Collect Features task. It is possible to group unique values in a map layer using ArcMap; however, the grouping is not represented in the feature type list. Note that the field used to create the feature type is not displayed when setting attribute values.

To reduce the number of feature types your field-workers use in the application, you should only mark as editable the layers that will be updated in the field in a given project.


How you have defined your data model determines the way that you interact with feature attributes in the Collect Features Task. Field properties such as Allow Nulls, Domains and Default Values define the attribute editing experience:

Configuring Layer Properties

The Collect Features Task derives feature types from all operational map layers marked as editable within your project. So to configure the Collect Features Task you must configure the feature layers within your mobile map. The configurable properties are located on the General, Viewable Fields, Editable Fields, and GPS Collection tabs that appear when you open an operational map layer and click on a specific feature layer.

They include the following:
